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These can be signs and symptoms of a miscarriage. Immediate medical attention must be sought. The most common cause of miscarriage in the first trimester (first 12 weeks of pregnancy) is the female reproductive anatomy.

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Q: 7wks pregnant bleeding for a week with clots and cramping which is getting more severe what does this mean?
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Is heavy bleeding and cramping normal in early pregnancy?

I wouldn't think so. I would go to the doctors to make sure everything is ok. I have one kid and i never bled or had cramps while i was pregnant. I have heard of bleeding but not severe cramping.

Can you experience cramping if pregnant?

Yes. If it becomes severe call your dr.

Severe cramps while pregnant?

Cramps may mean merely that your uterus is stretching to accomodate a growing baby, but severe cramps may be indicative of something more serious. Any cramping accompanied by bleeding warrants a phone call and visit to the doctor's office immediately. Severe cramping (without bleeding) that does not improve after a short rest should not be taken lightly either. Hopefully the cramps are nothing more than gas pains or your uterus growing. I wish you the best.

Is it possible to be pregnant and have cramping or is the cramping from your polycistic ovary syndrome?

It is very normal to have some cramping during pregnancy. If it is severe or continues for a long period of time, see your doctor.

If im pregnant and have severe cramping and bleeding and took a test again and came out positive can that still be a miscarriage?

The test will show positive for a few weeks after a miscarriage until the hormones have settled. You need to get a ultrasound to be sure.

Is it normal to have severe cramping and irregular bleeding after you stop birth control?

ya you should go see someone as in a doctor

Im two months pregnant and im having severe cramps?

mild cramping is normal,but severe,sounds like trouble.see your doctor immediately

Could a woman be pregnant if she expierences bleeding and severe cramps not like normal period cramps?

Yes she can be pregnant, and if she is pregnant and is bleeding she is at risk of a miscarriage, and should see a doctor immediately.

Can I have Cramping with no bleeding 10 weeks pregnant?

some mild cramping can be expected as your uterus grows bigger ( round ligament pain) but any cramping accompanied by blood should be immediately reported to your doctor. If you are worried call your doctor, that is what they are there for. Cramping during pregnancy is normal hun. But if your concerned or the cramping is more severe than usual for you, then go to ER.

If you get a lower backache that feels worse when lying down and some slight cramping without bleeding does this mean a miscarriage is going to occur?

Noone can say for sure if a miscarraige will happen. If you are pregnant and experiencing these symptoms, call your doctor immediately. It's not good. Well, it may not be bad either. If you have a tipped uterus, as the uterus expands, you will get mild cramping and back pain. Having a miscarriage isn't slight cramping. It is like you are having a bad period. Your uterus is trying to expell the fetus. However, if you have bleeding, call the doctor. But you are going to have mild cramping little by little as your uterus starts to expand. If it because severe cramping with blood or so severe you can't take it, go to the ER or call a doctor.

Are you having a miscarriage if you are 6 weeks pregnant but you have bleeding and cramping as if you are having your period but you still have the signs of being pregnant?

this could be signs of an early m/c or it could be normal. i sugguest calling your doctor & going for a check-up. sometimes m/c can be avoided if you limit your activities & sometimes it just means there was something wrong with the egg & sperm when they joined. good luck. Month and a half? Very common to have miscarriages. Ususally SEVERE cramping though... then HEAVY bleeding. My 90% guess is a miscarriage, though.

How does salmonella affect pregnant women?

Severe vomiting, diarrhea and cramping. This is why pregnant women should avoid the kinds of food that you can get Salmonella from. The cramps can be so severe you miscarry. Also not being able to keep anything down and be sick for weeks in a hospital is not good..