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They recently changed the laws of custody, No one parent has full custody UNLESS they see the other parent as unstable and unfit.

If the parent you want to live with has been deemed unfit as a parent then it will have to be taken to court or you can contact certain child organizations to give you more details about how to leave your current home and return to the home of an "unfit parent"

However if one parent obtained full custody of the child and the other parent was not deemed unfit as a parent, you may still live with them because of the recent change in custody laws, stating no one parent can have full or primary custody.

(in other words, if your mom has full custody and your dad has none ((Also assuming the father hasn't been charged with being a drug addict, alcoholic, or financially unstable etc.)) you may live with the father)

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Q: If One parent has full custody but child wants to live with noncustodial parent?
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What do you about support when you are the non-custodial parent and the custodial parent wants to hand over the child to you?

They can't simply "give the child to you." You need to return to the court and have the custody order modified so you'll have legal custody. It will go easier if the current custodial parent consents to the modification. At that time the current support order should be terminated and you can request child support if you wish.

If the father has had joint custody of a 4 year old and was the primary parent and the mother wants primary custody can she do it?

Yes if she could prove that the child is better off in her primary care. If the child is thriving and safe with you, it would be hard for her to prove. But custody can change at anytime so she has the right to file.

When divorced can one parent have custody of one child and the other parent have custody of another?

No, the emancipation laws around the world include both parents or guardians, not just one. A child who wants to be emancipated is stating they can support themselves without the help of an adult.

The father has sole custody but wants to give custody back to the mother of a very unruly child who wants to live with his mother anyway How can he do this without her come after him for child support?

The only way would be to do a personal agreement between the mother & father, ideally having it filed with the court. However, at any time, either parent can utilize Child Support without the other parent's consent. If the Mother spends more time with the child than the Father, she is most likely entitled to child support.

How does a father who has custody of a child divorce and leave the child with the step mom child wants to be with bio mom child is 17?

Mother files motion for custody

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In the state of Texas what things do judges consider if a 12 year old wants to live with noncustodial parent?

Well if the noncustodial parent wishes to take the kid the judge might give the parent custody if there is not a bad reason the parent did not get custody in the first place hope I helped you

When a child turns 14 and wants to go live with the other parent does the noncustodial pay child support?

Yes, that would have to be changed in court.

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This seems extremely unlikely.

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yes you should go to court with it. I've seen hundreds of these although im not trained to deal with them usually you win

Can an unemployed parent be granted joint custody?

No. Losing your job is not in and of itself grounds for losing custody of your child. The parent who wants to gain custody would need to file a motion for custody and convince the court that the custodial parent is unfit and that it would be in the best interest of the child to award custody to the other parent.

My daughter lives in NC and whats to file for divorce and have custody of her child. She wants to take the child to IL and the file for divorce and custody there.?

Only NC has jurisdiction, nor should the child be taken away from the other parent.

What if the biological parent is absent for the first part of the child's life and then wants custody rights?

Late is better than never.

In California if father has primary physical custody and both parents have joint legal custody can the child choose which parent he wants to live with?

No, legally a minor has no choice in the matter.

Is child support increased if a child wants to live only with the custodial parent?

It doesn't matter what the child wants. It only matters what the court decides is in the best interests of the child. If it is found that awarding sole legal and physical custody of a child to one parent is in his or her best interests, child support may be increased accordingly.

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You don't have the right to contact your child? If you don't, you can file a motion for an order of visitation in the court with jurisdiction (where the child legally resides).

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Does a parent that does not pay child support have the right to take the children?

Regardless of whether a parent pays support or not - the custody agreement determines who has rights. So if your child's father did not pay support but wants to see the child, and he has joint custody, he has every right, by law. This may not be morally right but it is legally right.