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Q: If a child has blood type O and its mother has type A could a man with type AB be the father?
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Could a father with a blood group ab have a child that is O blood group?

Absolutely. A child will either have its mother's blood type or its father's blood type. If the mother's blood type is NOT O, then someone else is the father.

Could a mother with type A blood and a father with type B blood produce a child with type B blood?

Yes! You could produce a child with either A or B blood.

Could a man with O blood father a A child?

Yes, as long as the mother has a strong A blood type

Father is A positive and Mother is O positive what will blood type be?

The child could be A+ or O+.

If father has B and Mother has B what would the child's blood type be?

Could be B or could be O.

if a mother blood type o+ the father blood type is b+ the child is a+ can he be father that child?

No. The mother only has type O antigens and the father has type B (and possibly O). Neither of them could have supplied the type A antigens to the child.

Type A blood from mother and type B blood from father what does the child get?

They could be anything depending on the parental genotype.

What is the role of blood typing in paternity testing?

To determine whether or not the alleged father could be the true father, the blood types of the child, mother, and alleged father are compared.

If the mother has B positive blood and the father has O positive what would the child's blood type be?

The child's blood type could be B positive or O positive.

Father has o- blood type son has a- does that mean they're not father and son?

If the mother is type A or AB (either positive or negative), they could be father and son. Depending on the mother's blood type, an O- father could have a child who is: A+, A-, B+, B-, O+, or O-.

What blood group will the baby have if mother is o and father is blood group ab?

The child could either be blood type A or blood type B.

Mother is a plus child 0 plus what could father be?

Mother is a plus child 0 plus what could father be?