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Both parents should split the cost or meet halfway in the interest of preserving the relationship of the child with the other parent. Also, there may be provisions for it in the divorce decree, but generally that agreement is reasonable for about 2 years because life goes on.

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Q: If a custodial parent moves out of state who is responsible for getting the child to the non custodial parent?
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If the custodial parent remarries is the noncustodial parent still responsible for support?

Yes. They are still the child's parent and responsible for supporting their child.

When a custodial parent dies is child support from a non custodial parent still due?

Of course. Unless the non-custodial parent takes sole custody, the non-custodial parent is still responsible for paying child support to whomever the child goes to. There is no reason the death of a parent should terminate the other parent's child support obligation.

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Does each parent in a divorced situation need to be responsible for paying the school for half of the lunch money?

Generally speaking, if there is a custodial parent and a non-custodial parent (joint custody is different and each case is unique), then the non-custodial parent pays child support and that child support is supposed to be used (along with the custodial parent's contribution, because they're responsible for providing for the child too) to pay for everything that the child needs, including lunches.

If a non custodial parent takes the child by getting the trust of the custodial parent but refuses to return the child and threaten to take the child out of the country can this warrant an arrest?

There is a lot missing, such as was the custodial denying access? Also, did the custodial sign the Visa Application for the child?

If you are a custodial parent who has no geographical restrictions are you responsible to get your child to the non custodial parent for visitation if you move out of state?

No you are not. It is the noncustodial parent's responsibility to make arrangements to visit the child. All this should be included in your custody papers.

What constitutes custodial parent in reference to child support?

The custodial parent is the parent with custody/guardianship of the child.

Can a custodial parent seek back child support payments from non custodial parents spouse if non custodial parent is unemployed in the state of Florida and her new husband adopted them?

The new husband is not responsible for the NCP's unpaid child support.

Can step parent's pay calculate into non custodial's child support?

The stepparent is not responsible for the child. Yes in California

In Texas a community state will the non custodial's spouse have to pay child support if non custodial parent is unemployed Currently the Custodial parent hasn't requested child support.?

Spouses are not responsible for their spouse's children. But, he needs to get a modification.SEE LINKS BELOW

In South Dakota if a child is under 18 and getting child support can the custodial parent charge them rent?

if a child is not working can a parent charge them rent

What if a custodial parent kick their childrens?

The non-custodial parent should report the child abuse to the child services agency for an evaluation.The non-custodial parent should report the child abuse to the child services agency for an evaluation.The non-custodial parent should report the child abuse to the child services agency for an evaluation.The non-custodial parent should report the child abuse to the child services agency for an evaluation.