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A bracelet was a small piece of jewelry or armor given by a Knight to his Lady as a remembrance while he was away on a campaign. The bracelet would match something on his brace of armor worn on his arm so the Knight also had a reminder of his love. So I doubt a Lady would wear more than one bracelet.

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Q: If an anklet is for your ankle why is it a bracelet for your wrist?
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What is something you where that begins with A?

An Anklet. Its a bracelet that goes on your ankle.

What foot should you wear an aklet on?

Well, if you are wearing a bracelet, too, then it should be on the opposite side to give you a balanced look. :) For example, if you're wearing a bracelet on your left wrist, wear the anklet on your right ankle!

What is a anklet?

An ankle bracelet is a piece of jewellery worn around the ankle, or an ankle monitor, a device for placing individuals under house arrest.

What is the meaning of wearing the anklet bracelet?

Wearing an ankle bracelet has no particular meaning. It is something that is done to embellish a look or add to a style. Some people wear an ankle bracelet to draw attention to their legs.

How do you wear watch and bracelet?

Usually on the wrist. There are also ankle bracelets.

What is anklet in french?

anklet --> chaîne de cheville -- "shen duh shuh-veey" (literally: ankle chain) or > bracelet de cheville -- "brahss-leh duh shuh-veey"

What is the meaning of an ankle bracelet - 37k?

if you give anklet to a lover it symbolizes "you are mine", or "you are taken'', or the relationship is going steady. its also means of securedness of love.

What is the meaning of anklet?

An ornament or a fetter for the ankle; an ankle ring.

What does it mean when you put a bracelet on your foot?

It is an anklet

Does it mean you are single if you wear your anklet on the right ankle?

No, that's just something people like to say and have created. Actually, many of my married friends switch between their ankles with the bracelet, but they mostly do wear it on the right ankle.

Can a man wear an ankle bracelet?

Yes, a man can wear an ankle bracelet if he chooses to. Ankle bracelets can be a fashion accessory or can have cultural or spiritual significance. There are no restrictions on who can wear them based on gender.

What is the meaning of a ankle bracelet on the left or right ankle?

There is no specific symbolism behind someone wearing an anklet on the left or right ankle. Most people wear it on their right ankle because they are right handed. But in India, most of the women wear them on both of their ankles.