

If current increases then reactance will?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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13y ago

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The reactance of any circuit element depends on the frequency of the alternating current flowing through it, unlike resistance which - except for certain components used at very high radio frequencies where the "skin effect" becomes important - is generally unaffected by the frequency.

So, for most practical electrical engineering applications, resistance is considered to be independent of the current flowing through it, but that cannot be said about all kinds of reactance because some types of components - inductors, for example - can get "saturated" if the current gets high enough.

"Saturation" means that there is no further practical increase in an inductor's reactance after a certain level of reactance has been reached. Once saturation sets in, the reactance does not reduce, it just stays the same even though the current is made to increase.

Saturation happens because a magnetic circuit exhibits "hysteresis", but that is a further topic which someone else may like to explain...

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There is no such term as 'inductance reactance'; the correct term is 'inductive reactance'. This is the opposition to the flow of a.c. current, due to the inductance of the load, and the frequency of the supply, and is measured in ohms.Inductive reactance is directly proportional to both the supply frequency and the load's inductance.

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"Opposition to current" can refer to resistance, reactance, or impedance.

What is meant by resonance in LCR circuit?

a circuit in which inductance L,capacitance C and resistance R are connected in series and the circuit admits maximumum current corresponding to a given frequency of a.c.Another AnswerIn the case of a series circuit, resonance occurs when its inductive reactance is exactly equal to its capacitive reactance. As the vector sum of these two quantities will then be zero, the only opposition to current will be resistance and, so, maximum current will flow through the circuit when resonance occurs. ALL circuits can be made to resonate at what is called their 'resonant frequency' because, as frequency increases, the inductive reactance increases but capacitive reactance falls -so, at some point the two will equal each other, and resonance will occur.In my view resonance means - the condition that exists when the inductive reactance and the capacitive reactance are of equal magnitude, causing electrical energy to oscillate between the magnetic field of the inductor and the electric field of the capacitor.

What is the reactance of a 25 uf capacitor when the applied frequency is 400 hz?

Reactance is -1/2 pi F C so a 25 uF capacitor at 400 Hz would have a reactance of about -15.9 ohms. The negative sign indicates that capacitive reactance is leading, with current leading voltage.AnswerI would take issue with the previous answer that capacitive reactance is expressed as a negative value, or that it is 'leading'. Reactance is not a vector quantity, so it neither leads nor lags anything. In a (theoretically) purely capacitive circuit, it is the load current that leads the supply voltage. However, when using complex notation, capacitive reactance is expressed as -j 15.9 ohms, where 'j' is called an 'operator' -but even this does not mean that the reactance is 'leading', as it defines reactance in terms of a current phasor -in other words, the '-j' refers to the relative position of current to voltage, not reactance to impedance.

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There is pure resistance, inductive reactance, and capacitive reactance.

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It isn't necessarily so. The capacitive voltage is the product of the current and capacitive reactance, while the inductive voltage is the product of the current and the inductive reactance. So it depends whether the capacitive reactance is greater or smaller than the inductive reactance!

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Foster's reactance theorem states that the reactance of a passive, lossless two terminal network always strictly monotonically increases with frequency. This is a very important theorem in the fields of electrical network analysis and synthesis.Ê

When a series circuit containing resistance and inductive reactance is connected to a ac supply the current will?

The load current will lag the supply voltage by an angle called a 'phase angle', determined by the values of resistance and inductive reactance. The magnitude of the load current will be determined by the impedance of the circuit, which is the vector sum of the resistance and inductive reactance.