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The person who hit the house would have to pay for the damage but that person can go back to the person who hit him causing the accident in the first place. It would work the same way as a three car accident.

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Q: If in a two-car accident one runs a stop sign causing the other to hit a house would the insurance of the one that caused the accident be liable or the one that damaged the house?
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Does auto insurance usually cover physical damage to the engine?

Auto insurance covers damage caused during an accident. If the engine is damaged during an accident that's covered. If it's damaged for any other reason then that isn't covered.

Will your insurance pay if the accident is your fault and you only have uninsured motorist insurance?

If all you have is uninsured motorists then no it will not pay. you need liability insurance to pay for damaged caused to another. Liability is what your supposed to have.

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Very likely yes. This is especially true since you are at-fault for the accident. (meaning you caused the accident). Some insurance companies reward loyalty and may have "accident forgiveness" program if you have been a long time customer with them.

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Because the accident could have been caused by the use of drugs.

Are you still at fault if the other person does not have insurance?

Yes, If the accident was your fault, then it is your fault. Whether or not they have insurance has nothing to do with who's at fault, or who actually caused the accident.

What are the basic rules of car insurance in Massachussets?

Basically, you have to pay for insurance. If you get into an accident, you are at least partly responsible for the damage that accident caused, whether or not you were at fault. Insurance helps to pay for that damage.

Do you call your insurance company if you caused damage?

It is advisable to call your insurance company immediately in any accident. If you do not, they may think that you are trying to defraud them by hiding the accident.

Who is responsible when there is a three car accident and the 3rd car only damages the 2nd car?

I believe whomever caused the accident is at fault, whether their car was damaged or not. * The evidence compiled in the accident investigation will determine the responsible party. To determine who is at fault in a vehicle accident investigators use a method referred to as "chain of causation" and begin the investigation with the vehicle that was last in motion. This does not necessarily mean that the driver of said vehicle is the one responsible for the accident. It is quite possible that the driver of the vehicle that was not damaged will be the one determined to be responsible for causing the accident.

How do you get an accident claim against own car when the car is fully insured?

Report the accident to your insurance company. If this was a single car accident - meaning yours- your insurance will have to pay for the repairs minus your deductible. If another party caused the accident you need to turn their insurance information over to your company and they will take it from there.

Can you claim on someone's insurance for an accident caused due to them parking on a corner blocking view of road?

If they were not parked illegally then they are not responsible for your accident.

If an employee is on his way to work and driving a company car and has an accident is the employer liable?

In most cases, the company's insurance carrier will pay for damages, as long as the fault causing the accident was not caused by the employee. The employee here is representing the company in this case - if the employee is charged with negligent driving and was cited for causing the accident, the company insurance carrier will most likely pay, but will seek restitution from the employee. Could get into a real sticky situation.

If you are at fault for an accident does your insurance company get billed for the damages of the other person in the accident?

Yes,, That's what it's for. It pays for damages you caused to another.