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No you are not. When one spouse and not the other files for bankruptcy they are only doing so with regard to their personal debt. A debt is created by contract between a debtor and a creditor - each debtor must sign the contract to be liable for payment. Therefore, the bankruptcy of one spouse does not cause the other to become bankrupt.

Debts where spouses are joint and severally liable for payment will remain with the spouse who has not filed for bankruptcy. Under Chapter 7 bankruptcy, where one spouse's debts are wiped clean, the creditor can go after the other spouse. However, a major advantage of Chapter 13 bankruptcy, where the debtor plans to re-pay her debts, is that the creditor will leave the co-debtor alone, as long as bankruptcy plan payments are timely deposited.

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Q: If my wife filed for personal bankruptcy are you responsible for her debt?
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If a debt was listed on a Bankruptcy that you filed and the Bankruptcy went through then that debt is permanently discharged with a Chapter 7.

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If the bankruptcy is discharged you are no longer responsible for the debt.

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Not if the debt was discharged in the bankruptcy. If the judgment was on the credit report before the bankruptcy was filed and/or was discharged in the bankruptcy, the entry will still remain on the CR for seven years.

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If the couple resided in a community property state both spouse's would have needed to file joint bankruptcy for the debt to be totally discharged. If one spouse did not file, it is quite possible the creditor will hold that person responsible for the debt owed.

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If the matter in question was included in the bankruptcy discharge, you may not have to pay it. If it was left out, or the property owner was allowed to opt out of the bankruptcy discharge the debt is collectable.

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you can if you was out of 13 but if your not if you had this dept when you file 13 you can get your lawer to add it in just talk to your lawer.

When can bankruptcy be filed?

If you or your business has incurred a substantial amount of financial debt due to circumstances that were out of your control you may be eligible to file bankruptcy.