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Catholic AnswerThere is no "Protestant Bible". The Bible translation most commonly used by protestants is the Authorized Version, commonly known as the King James Version, which is the name of a translation of the Bible. The Bible is a whole collection of books, and as such does not have a name. The early Church used the Septuagint for their Old Testament, and had many different scrolls in Latin and Greek for their New Testament Scriptures. The first "official" Bible, as in one continuous book was The Vulgate which was a translations of all the Scriptures by St. Jerome in the fourth century.

The closest thing that the Catholic Church has in English is the Douay-Rheims translation, which was made about the same time as the Authorized Version.

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Q: If the Protestant Bible is King James what is the name of Catholic Bible?
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What was king James i king of?

He was in fact born to be a catholic yet took aboard both protestant and catholic viewshis religion is definately meccanese