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If an order is still in place, yes, even in Michigan. see links below

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Q: If the father live with the mom and the child do he still have to pay support in mi?
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If a mother gets child support from the child's father and the child begins to live on their own before the child support ends does the child get the child support or the mother still?

It depends on the state you live in and the age of the child.

In the state of GA if the parents of a child live together but are not married does the father still have to pay child support?

As the father has no assumed rights to the child, he can still be ordered to pay by the courts.

If a woman is getting child support and the child goes to live with the father but the mother still has visitation does the father still pay child support?

In Missouri, after 30 days the support can stop, but in most states, a modification motion needs to be filed with the courts.

If the custodial parent two children give one of the children back to the father does the father still have to pay child support for the one child that stayed with the mother or are they even?

No, the father has to pay child support for both children. Of course the child that decides to live with him will be treated as he/she were when you were both married, but the child you have will still continue to receive child support by law!

Your child moved out at 17 years old to live with grandmother does father still have to pay you child support?

goes to grandmother and yes he still has to pay just not to you

Can i file for child support if i live with my child's father?

In general, child support is paid by absent parents.

In the state of Ohio if the parents live together does the father still pay child support?

if a court order exist.

You live in Louisiana you have a child and you are not married to the father but you live together what financial responsibilities does he have?

In Louisiana, if you live together and have a child but are not married, the father still has financial responsibilities. He is legally obligated to provide financial support for the child, which may include child support payments. This means he should contribute towards the child's expenses such as healthcare, education, and basic needs.

If a mother moves from England to live in USA does the father still have to pay child support The child is 17?

Yes, however he should file an injunction to have the child returned.

DNA proved you to not be the father do you still have to pay child support?

It depend where you live in the world , the Law are differant from country to another .

Do you lose the child support if you live with the father?

In general, child support obligations are imposed on absent parents.

Can you file for child support if you live in Ireland and the father lives in England?

Yes, no matter where the father lives they should support their child no matter what!