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Generally speaking, you will be better equipped to fight off a viral infection if you have a strong immune system, but the only thing that will give you full protection is to have immunity developed from having had the same type of flu before, or from taking a vaccination against that specific flu strain.

An added aid for your body to use to help protect you from Swine Flu, would be use of the anti-viral medications that are being prescribed to help fight the influenza viruses, such as Tamiflu and Relenza.

(See information in the related questions below about how your body fights swine flu and about A-H1N1/09 Vaccines and other treatments for the Novel H1N1 Swine Flu.)

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14y ago
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14y ago

you might not even be immune at all in fact i am just getting over swine flu and my doctor said that the immunity may not do much but help you recover from it. my whole family but my dad has it

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14y ago

No, as long as the virus doesn't mutate to be different enough that your immune system doesn't recognize it again, you will have immunity for life.

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No, immune doesn't mean to fight against. Immune means something is unaffected.

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by the immune system

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antibodies are formed when the immune system comes in contact with the allergen.

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Some people have stronger immune systems or are immune to it.

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The word immune is an adjective, a word that describes a noun as protected against a specific disease by inoculation or as the result of innate or acquired resistance; not subject to an obligation imposed on others; exempt. The adjective immune is most often used as a predicate adjective, following a linking verb. Examples: If you have had this disease, you are now immune. Don't wast your time, he is immune to sweet talk.

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Just once then your immune system is protected.