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If the suspension of parental rights was approved by the court, than no. Beyond that, this may be a contractual issue. Better as an attorney. I'm going to cross post this on Dads House to see if anyone else has a different opinion.

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Q: If the mother tells us her husband is going to adopt and he signs his rights over and he doesn't adopt can she still get him for child support?
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No. Mother's life estate is extinguished upon her death. Her husband would have no rights in the property whatsoever.No. Mother's life estate is extinguished upon her death. Her husband would have no rights in the property whatsoever.No. Mother's life estate is extinguished upon her death. Her husband would have no rights in the property whatsoever.No. Mother's life estate is extinguished upon her death. Her husband would have no rights in the property whatsoever.

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If you mean, what are the Dad's rights, he has the right to continue paying child support and the right to visitation, both as established by the courts.

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No the child support does not give you parental rights, Speak to the Local bracnh of Citizens Advise. You should have parental rights peried but to us men they are not worth the paper they are on. Law always sides with mother.

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Who legally adopted the child?If the mother's new husband legally adopted the child, then the biological father's parental rights had to be terminated first. Which means that the biological father is NOT obligated to pay child support anymore. The new adoptive father has taken on all rights and responsibilities for the child.

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No, unless the baby's biological father relenquishes his parental rights, he would get custody of the child if the mother dies, not her husband. The biological father must sign his rights away to the mother's husband.

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Can a man give up his rights and no longer pay child support in florida?

No. Just because you no longer want to see your child or have rights to him does not mean the taxpayers should have to pay for him. You made him so you pay for him. Child support is a separate issue.

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What are Virginia laws about married women who cheat and get pregnant..what are the other mans rights can he terminate his rights and does he have to pay child support since she is married?

If it's like Illinois, the mother's husband is presumed to be the child's father unless/until proven otherwise. If someone else is proven to be the father, he will be potentially liable for child support.