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If 3 tests out of six say you are pregnant then you are pregnant. You can get a false positive but not three out of six. Also, if you are taking Birth Control, check with your doctor because some (not all) birth controls have the pregnancy hormone in them which can cause a false poitive.

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Q: If three out of six EPT results are positive is it likely you are pregnant?
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Well, It is most likely that you are pregnant. Since you DID do the test 3 times and even seeked help from a professional (doctor). Which ALL say you are pregnant.

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Yes go take a pregnancy test or go to Planned Parenthood for them to give you a test to be positive.

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It's telling you that you're pregnant. I've had dreams similar to that.

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You could likely be pregnant or some other medical condition. Get it checked out.

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That's the most likely explanation.

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Take a pregnancy test, which will certainly be positive if you're three weeks pregnant.

If you have had three faintly positive pregnancy tests and your period is three days late are you pregnant?

You could be pregnant. Consider waiting another 4-5 days to see if your period comes. If it does not, see your doctor for a Urinary Pregnancy Test for verification. Your doctor will advise you with pre-natal care.