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Maybe so, maybe not. Yes, if the person has never trusted in Jesus Christ as personal savior, believing that he and only he is the perfect son of God, etc. No, if the person is a Christian. Mormons are Christian in every sense of the word.

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Q: If you are baptized as Baptist and then later baptized as Mormon do you need to get re baptized as Baptist if you want to become Baptist again?
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Would a Lutheran need to be baptized again to join a Baptist church?

In most cases no, a Church of Christ member would not need to get baptized again when joining a Baptist church, as long as you were baptized after belief and not as an infant. Baptists believe that baptism is for believers and babies are too young to be believers.

How can you be born again?

By being baptized. When you're lifted up from the water, the sinful part of you has been killed and you become "born again".

What is required for church membership in a Baptist church?

What is required for church membership in a Baptist Church? The answer is: First, you must be saved or born again (John 3:3). Being born again is receiving Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior. Believing that Jesus died for your sins and that he was resurrected on the third day. Romans 10:9-10"That if you confess with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you confess and are saved." Second. you must be baptized. This is scriptural baptism which is by immersion. Or, to go under and not by sprinkling. This baptism is after you have made your confession of receiving Jesus as Lord of your life. There are a lot of individuals who have been baptized after they were born or within their first year of birth. This baptism is meaningless. A baby cannot confess Jesus as Lord. So, in most Baptist Churches, if one was baptized prior to their confession or being born again, you would have to be re-baptized. Baptism is an act that is done after one have received Jesus as Lord and not before. These are the two things that all must do to become a member of most Baptist churches in America.

Do you have to be baptized catholic to make 1st communion?

Yes, you do. However, if you are baptized in another Christian religion and desire to become Catholic, you will not be baptized again as catholics recognize the one baptism. You will need to take special classes before receiving communion and confirmation.

What is rebaptized?

Being baptized again.

Can you be baptized in other churches other than a baptist church?

Baptismal services are performed by many religious denominations. However, Baptists do not recognize any baptisms except for one performed by an ordained Baptist minister from an authorized Baptist church. Even then, if the person that is baptized has not truly been "born again" then the baptism doesn't count because baptism is a picture of believing and receiving that Jesus Christ died, was buried, and rose again on the third day. If a person didn't really believe and receive Jesus Christ then that persons baptism is not valid. Baptism does not save, it is just a picture of salvation.

Does a person need to be baptized again if he or she switch over to another religion?

This depends on the rules of the Church into which you switch. If a person is baptized in a Protestant Christian church, and switches to the Catholic Church, he does not have to be baptized again.

Can you be baptized a Christian then again as a Roman Catholic?

First off, Catholicism is the first and foremost Christian religion as founded by Christ. As to your question, you can only be baptized once. If done properly, the Catholic Church recognizes the baptism as valid. If the Church is uncertain if a person was validly baptized, that person will receive a conditional baptism. "If you were not baptized before, I baptize you in the name of . . . ."

When changing from a Catholic who was baptized as an adult to Protestant religion does one have to be baptized again?

No, baptism is only necessary once.

What do anabaptists do?

The thing Anabaptists were most known for was rebaptizing people. Most people of the era had been baptized as infants. Anabaptists taught that the decision to become a follower of Jesus was decision that only the person could make. When that decision was made, he or she is baptized again.

Did john physically baptize anybody?

John the Baptist did, he baptized the Lord, which is why most christians follow the Lord in baptism which is showing a type, meaning we put off the old to become new again. This is only inward though. Most christians, including me, believe in baptism byl immersion since the Bible clearly states" they when down into the water together".

Was Martin Luther King Jr a born-again Christian or just a baptist Christian?

He was Baptist. But only he and God can know for certain wether he was "Born-again"