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Some states have the "Lemon Law" where the consumer can return a car no questions asked as long as it's within three (3) days. After those days have passed, you will need to consult professional legal advice as to what recourse, if any, you may have.

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Q: If you bought a used car three days ago and find out it is not what the dealer claimed it to be what can you do?
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If you bought the car from a dealer you have 30 days if you bought it from a private party you have 7 days in georgia.

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There is no return policy unless the dealer agrees to this. You bought the car so it is yours. A car dealer is not like Walmart where you can return an item you bought.

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Can you return a car after you bought it?

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Lemon law? If it is a reputable dealer should have no problem

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GEORGIA NEW TAG LAW!!To get a tag on a car in Georgia.If you bought the car from a dealer you have 30 days.If you bought it from a private party you have 7 days ...

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A person cannot return a car bought at a Wisconsin dealership within 30 days and ask for a refund. There is a designated process to go through to resolve issues with purchased vehicles in Wisconsin. Under the Lemon Laws for the state of Wisconsin there is a form called an MV2338 that must be filed with the state after the dealer is informed of a problem.

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