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You can take a pregnacny test at any point I suppose but for best results * Take the test in the morning, if possible, because your hCG (pregnancy hormone) levels are at it's highest * Don't drink a bunch of fluids before taking the test because it will dilute your urine and can affect the results * Take the test no more than 1-2 days before expected period. Although some test say that you can see results up to 5 days before your missed period the percentage of accuracy is very low. * urinate for as long as possible on the foam like strip * wait for the results!

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Q: If you have an irregular period can you still take a pregnancy test?
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What if you had a period but still have signs of pregnancy?

well there still is a possibility that you could be pregnant if your period is irregular. i would suggest that you take a pregnancy test. if that comes out negative then go to the doctor because it might be something totally opposite of what you think

You have irregular but you havent had it in months then get some spotting yet a pregnancy test was negative should you take another test if you still have not had your period but you show pregnancy si?

It may be your birth control if you are taking any they cause irregular periods.

What if you been on birth control for 9 months and you never had a irregular period but now all of sudden this month you had an irregular period should you take a pregnancy test?

It couldn't hurt to take a pregnancy test and it will put your mind at ease. Maybe you are not pregnant and you accidentally missed a pill.

What happens when you miss a period?

There could be a possibility of being pregnant. Your period can also just be late or irregular. To be sure take a pregnancy test.

For 2 weeks you think your pregnant because of the signs although period on now but still nausea what could it be?

Many pregnant women can mistake spotting for an irregular period. I would take a pregnancy test to make sure.

What does it mean to miss your period by two weeks then get your period for a day?

This may mean that you period is irregular which you should go to your doctor and it may be a smart idea to take a pregnancy testy

Can you have your perid and still be pregnant?

No, it is biologically impossible to menstruate while you're pregnant. However it is possible for you to bleed during pregnancy for a number of reasons, such as hormonal changes. If it acts like a period then it's most likely menstruation, but if concerned that you could be pregnant then take a pregnancy test to be sure.

If your period is VERY irregular and you cant really go based on that to determine but you been having lots of symptoms you took a pregnancy test today and it came out negative could you still be preg?

yes. Take the yesy every day until you get your period.

Can you miss your period when your 10 years old?

Yes, it is common to have an irregular period when you are young. If there is any possibility you could be pregnant, you need to take a pregnancy test to rule that out.

If you missed your period and normally get it for 7 days A week later you got it for two days could you still be pregnant?

Answer You cannot be pregnant if you have a period. It is probably an irregular period - quite natural. Answer It could be implantation bleeding which is where the egg implants into the lining of the womb. Take a pregnancy test

Can you take a pregnancy test while you are having your period and it still be accurate?

If you are having a period you cannot be pregnant

What does it mean when you don't have your period for 2 months and then bleeds for 2 weeks?

It means that you need to see a doctor . . You can be pregnant and still have your period but in other words you're in between . . To be on the safe side take a pregnancy test or see if you're period is on schedule like was before.. . That would be that your period was irregular at the moment