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It couldn't hurt to take a pregnancy test and it will put your mind at ease. Maybe you are not pregnant and you accidentally missed a pill.

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Q: What if you been on birth control for 9 months and you never had a irregular period but now all of sudden this month you had an irregular period should you take a pregnancy test?
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You have irregular but you havent had it in months then get some spotting yet a pregnancy test was negative should you take another test if you still have not had your period but you show pregnancy si?

It may be your birth control if you are taking any they cause irregular periods.

What is it when you have all negative pregnancy tests for 2 months but no period and then have light bright red bleeding no cramps or pain?

you're obviously not on birth control, so maybe you just have an irregular period.

Should your period be regular after 6 months off birth control?

After stopping birth control, your period is likely to return to its previous pattern. If you were irregular prior to starting the pill, you're likely to be irregular after you stop.

Can pregnancy make you have your period more than once a month for a few months in a row?

No pregnancy cannot cause this. This sounds like irregular periods. See your Doctor.

Why is period late 2 weeks?

Many things can delay your period such as: * Pregnancy * Irregular periods * Hormonal imbalance * Stress * Illness * Missing birth control

You use to take birth control pill about three years you decided to stop and start using condom when you stopped your period ceased for four months It resumes on November 2nd to 6th The next month you?

Unfortunately this does sometimes happen with birth control but its not as common as having irregular periods for a few months after stopping birth control. Perform a pregnancy test if you suspect pregnancy or see your Doctor.

Why did you get your period 15days after your last period?

If you're on birth control and have missed any pills this can result in a early period. Alternatively pregnancy, irregular periods or hormone imbalance can also cause a early period.

Does a irregular period be a sign of pregnancy?

I wouldnt say irreuglar periods are a sign of pregnancy its usually actually missing a period for about 2 , 3 or even 4 times(months) in a row. Irregualr periods mean that your body is just developing differently. I reccomend Yaz birth control pills , they regualate ur periods very well.

Can you not have your period for months and not be pregnant?

Yes. Some women have very irregular periods. If you suspect you are pregnant, you should take a home pregnancy test just to be sure.

What would cause bleeding a week early?

The following will cause early bleeding: * Irregular period * Pregnancy * UTI * Hormonal Imbalance * Stopping birth control * Starting birth control

What are other reasons that you can miss your period other then pregnancy?

maybe your irregular

Do you get a period if you're on mirena?

You can get the IUD inserted anytime the health care provider can be reasonably sure you're not pregnant.