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It would depend on the shelter, but it's extremely likely that they would accept without proof.

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Q: Im in an abusive relationship and its more mental than physical will a shelter acceppt me if i dont have any proof of abuse?
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If a mother is in an abusive relationship has 2 kids can she leave the state without getting in trouble?

No! She needs to go to women's shelter and to court.

Is leaving dog outside with no shelter abusive?

It probably does some damage to the dog- abusive

What can you do if you work but have credit issues and evictions on your record and need to take you or your children out of an abusive relationship?

Contact a local abuse shelter. They are there to help you and can lead you into a new direction in life.

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A seek shelter could be a place where abused women seek shelter away from their abusive husbands/boyfriends.

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Yes. These women have already been through enough they don't need a relationship they need to get out of an abusive one and are very vulnerable.

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Because if you're unable to fend for yourself, their power is guaranteed. Nasty, isn't it? It's easier to control someone who is off balance. Abuse is more about control than anything else. They don't particularly enjoy watching the suffering, they just want you to do what THEY want and it's easier when they have you confused. If you are in an abusive relationship, get out. Go to a shelter or somewhere that will offer you some protection, but do it now since things can go downhill quickly in an abusive relationship and many of those guys get the mentality that if THEY can't have you, nobody will.

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food shelter water

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Food, water, shelter.

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If you are referring to a physical shelter, it could be a nest, or bird house. If you are referring to a shelter wear they are protected, it could be a reserve.

Where can one find Business Corporate online?

The Internal Revenue Service has a comprehensive strategy in place to combat abusive tax shelters and transactions. This strategy includes guidance on abusive transactions, regulations governing tax shelters, a hotline for taxpayers to use to report abusive technical transactions, and enforcement activity against abusive tax shelter promoters and investors.

Examples of physical needs of a person?

Physical needs of a person include food, water, shelter, and sleep. These are essential for the body to function properly and maintain health and well-being. Adequate nutrition, hydration, rest, and a safe living environment are all important for meeting these physical needs.