

Image of a root hair cells on the tip of root plants?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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mga puta walang kwenta to bobo

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Q: Image of a root hair cells on the tip of root plants?
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Does pollination happen in both plant cells and root hair cells?

no it does not , just plants :D

Why are root hair cells important to plants?

because it helps it to absorb water from the soli.

In which part organ would you find root hair cells?

Root hair cells are on the roots of the plants. They are found on the rhizomes of vascular plants. They collect water and nutrients in solution and transport it up to the other parts of the plant.

What is the difference in root hair cells and leaf cells?

root hair cells dont have chloroplasts

How many cells are there in a root hair?

there are about thousands of root hairs

How do root hair cells communicate?

Root hair cells communicate through their instinct ;;;;;'''''''deil

What cells are found on roots?

Root hairs are long tubular out growths made of root epidermis cells that form to increase the root surface. Root hair development consists of root hair initiation and tip growth.

What do you call root hair cells working together?

root hair tissue

Where is a root hair cell found?

Root-hair cells are found just behind hairs of creatures.

Why does root hair cell has nucleus?

All cells in the human body (and cells in all other mammals) have a nucleus. It's the place where DNA is made and stored. And hair follicles can be a great way to do DNA testing. Root hair cells are found in plants and presence of nucleus in root hair cell conducts the vital activities.

What are root hair cells?

Roots from your hair.

What is the adaptation of the hair root cell?

To speed up osmosis root hair cells have a large surface area. Root hair cells absorb water and minerals from surrounding soil.