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tituba is the one who conjured up the spirits

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Q: In the Crucible of the book what is the answer to who does Abigail accuse of conjuring spirits at this point?
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Who does Abigail accuse of conjuring spirits at this point from the book the crucible by arthur miller?

She accuses Tituba of forcing her to drink charms at night and dance.

Who does Abigail accuse of conjuring spirits at this point by the book the crucible by arthur miller?

This is too vague a question. Please clarify what point in the book you are talking about.

In The Crucible by Arthur Miller who does Abigail accuse of witchcraft?

In The Crucible Abigail accuses Elizabeth of witchcraft.

Who did Abigail Williams falsely accuse of being a witch in The Crucible by Arthur Miller?

Elizabeth proctor

Where in The Crucible by Arthur Miller does Abigail accuse hale's wife?

he doesn't... I'm pretty sure he isn't married...

What does John Proctor reveal to prove the girls are lying?

"The Crucible" is a story featuring the character John Proctor. He says Abigail told him she was going to accuse Elizabeth.

Which is an example of a cliffhanger in The Crucible?

One example of a cliffhanger in The Crucible is when John Proctor confesses to committing adultery with Abigail Williams in an effort to save his wife, Elizabeth. The audience is left wondering what the outcome of this confession will be and how it will affect the characters and the unfolding events in the play.

In The Crucible why is Abigail so powerful?

Abigail is considered a 'young child' and among the puritans, children are in a way closer to god. she is a manipulative conniving entity. she manipulates her 'friends' because they know she won't be afraid to do prodigious acts. If someone older were to accuse her, no one would believe him/her since she is a child: gods gift

What does Abigail threaten to do to the girls if they tell about the casting of spells in the woods?

Abigail pretends that there's a yellow bird in the room, but there's really nothing there where she is looking at. Her eyes open wide and she points to the spot on the wall where the "invisible bird" is. Danforth grows confused and terrified, thinking that Abigail is possessed and actually falls for it, thinking it all to not be a figment of Abigail's imagination, but real.

In the book the crucible why does elizabeth think abigail wants to kill her?

In 'The Crucible' Abigail Williams sticks a needle into her stomach so that she can have a basis to accuse her sister, Elizabeth Proctor, of witchcraft. How she makes this accusation against her is that before this, Marry Warren is seen handing over a poppet to Elizabeth saying they both made it together for her. This poppet is later discovered that it has a similar needle stuck to it as found on Abigail's stomach. This is discovered when Abigail has said Elizabeth sent out her evil spirit onto her to stab her with the needle and the authorities of Salem came to her house to investigate.

Why did Abigail accuse john proctor?

She didn't accuse him, Marry Warren did because she couldn't tell the truth about not seeing any wittches.

Who was the first to accuse someone during the witch trials?

Betty Parris and Abigail Williams.