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What do you mean? That he personally is responsible for a tax on Social Security? If so, no. The tax has been on social security for years before Gore was in office. A Vice President doesn't have the power to do something like that anyway.

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Q: Is Al Gore really responsible for taxing Social Security benefits?
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Are you eligible for Social Security benefits if you have paid into the system for years and you are not a citizen but you are a legal resident?

To get the best correct answer you really should contact your local SSA office with all of your available information and ask them if you qualify for the social security benefits.

What are the nonmedical requirements for social security disability?

You really should get this information from the social security administration you can contact your local SSA office or go the SSA gov website SOCIAL SECURITY BENEFITS ON LINE and see what information they will give you about the information that you want and need.

Can your mother who has never worked collect social security?

No. There really is no such thing as "unused" benefits. If a person pays FICA (Social Security and Medicare) taxes but dies before he or she can collect benefits, his or her widow or widower and minor children, or adult children disabled before age 22 (if applicable) can collect monthly checks for survivors' benefits. Able-bodied adult children or those who became disabled after age 22 cannot collect benefits from their mother's Social Security (FICA) contributions. The unpaid amount remains in the Social Security trust fund.

Are Social Security retirement benefits the only Entitlement Program benefits where individuals and their employers directly contribute money for that sole purpose?

I think the answer is no. The reason I say I think that is because that's not quite exactly how Social Security really works, and if that statement is true of Social Security it's probably also true of, say, unemployment insurance and in some states state disability insurance.

In GA can an ex receive child support from the ex spouse's social security insurance?

Child support is an obligation, social security is a source of income. They really have nothing to do with one another. If you are asking if she can garnish your social security, the answer is yes. Section 459 of the Act (42 U.S.C. 659) allows Social Security benefits to be garnished to enforce child support and/or alimony obligations;

What part of my social security is untaxed?

Non-taxable means you don't have to pay tax on the benefits. The formula for calculating how much of your Social Security benefits are non-taxable is extremely convoluted and involves re-calculating your taxes and adding back in certain non-taxable payments like municipal bond interest and depends on your marital status and filing status. Anywhere from 15% to 100% of your Social Security benefits can be non-taxable. If you really want the details, refer to the worksheet on page 27 of the Form 1040 instructions:

Social Security Benefit?

Social Security Benefits Do you wonder how much you might receive in Social Security? Use this calculator to help you estimate your Social Security benefits. Remember, this is only an estimate. Your actual benefits may vary depending on your actual work history and income.

You can earn 980.00 mo b4 or after taxs while drawing soc Security disability?

You really should get this information from the social security administration you can contact your local SSA office or go the SSA gov website SOCIAL SECURITY BENEFITS ON LINE and see what information they will give you about the information that you want and need.

As a widow getting checks every month for myself and my son do I include Social Security Survivor Benefits as income on Form 1040?

If Social Security Survivor Benefits are your only source of income, your benefits probably aren't taxable. The monthly check is usually paid to the surviving parent. But the benefit really is for the child. If you have no other income, a quick check is to compare one-half of the total benefit amount with the base amount of $25,000 for Single filing status. If half of the benefit amount is less than $25,000, then the benefit isn't taxable. A Social Security Benefits Worksheet is included in 2208 Form 1040 instructions on p. 27 (p. 28 for 2009 Form 1040 instructions). Also, go to www. for Topic 423 (Social Security and Equivalent Railroad Retirement Benefits). Go to for Publication 915 (Social Security and Equivalent Railroad Retirement Benefits).

Is it possible to receive unclaimed Social Security benefits from a parent?

No. There really is no such thing as "unclaimed" Social Security benefits. If a person pays FICA (Social Security and Medicare) taxes but dies before he or she can collect benefits, his or her widow or widower and minor children, or adult children disabled before age 22 (if applicable) can collect monthly checks for survivors' benefits.Able-bodied adult children or those who became disabled after age 22 cannot collect money from a parent's Social Security (FICA) contributions. The unpaid amount remains in the Social Security trust fund.It is possible that a deceased parent was due one monthly Social Security payment at the time of death. Under these circumstances, the benefit can be paid to the next of kin. For more information, see Sources and Related Links, below.

Is social security capitalize?

A number cannot be capitalized.

What are tips for getting retirement?

I think ones got to be cautious about few things if some one is really looking to get retired from his job like savings, pensions and social security benefits.