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It likes moist soil with no direct sun shinning on them. When watering, do not get any water on its leaves although if you blot it off no damage will occur. If you have a pet then keep the plant away from the pet as best you can. Keep your African violet in a room between 62˚F and 72˚F. African violets can tolerate temperatures as high as 90 degrees if you have a fan blowing near them and mist them with water several times a day. Please click on related link for added information about growing African violets.

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It depends where you live. It will not tolerate cold or damp conditions so anywhere unlike it's native climate it will require protection.

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Q: Is a African violet a house plant?
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What plant start with the latter a?

African violet is a popular house plant. It begins with the letter a.

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What house plant starts with the letter a?

African Violet Adiantum (Fern) Asparagus Fern Antirrhinum

Does african violet reproduce asexually?

Yes, the African Violet plant does reproduce asexually. It reproduces through losing its leaves. From there the leaves regrow the entire plant system.

Name house plants starting with a?

· African Violet

How can an African violet plant appear in your garden?

Maybe a seed was droped from a bird flying over your house or maybe it was carried by the wind and fell in your yard. This is most likely a wild type of violet.

Does the African violet have a benenfit to humans?

That is an intriguing kuestion. African violets are succulent house plant and is used to beautify the indoor garden.the unikness of that plant add unikness too to the grower cause it is difficult to maintain a healthy type of st.paulia plant.

How tall does a house plant get?

Ok, it depends on the plant. If it has long spiked leaves it can grown to two feet tall. If it's an African Violet it grows to about six or seven inches. So, you need to ask again, and tell us the name of the plant.

What flower plant grows from a leaf?

sometimes yes sometimes no sorry

What is a plant that starts wth a A?

African violet, alyssum, aster and azalea are plants. They begin with the letter a.

What do you do if and African violet has been rescued from a house fire?

Water it and give it a good home