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Q: Is breathing natural gas dangerous
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What are the symptoms of breathing natural gas?

There are no symptoms.

Why is natural gas dangerous?

It can leak

Is natural gas dangerous?

yes it is

Are fossil fuels dangerous if so how?

Natural gas is a potentially dangerous fossil fuel due to its combustibility

What impact is there when you extract natural gas?

Dangerous to people because it if flammable.

Which breathing gas is dangerous?

carbon monoxide is poisonous. carbon dioxide is poisonous if you breth in to much of it. :D :(

Is natural gas deadly?

Natural gas is mainly methane. Methane is not actually poisonous, but you could suffocate from breathing it if there's not some oxygen mixed in with it (and if there is oxygen mixed in with it, then it's an explosion hazard).Also, "natural" natural gas is not entirely methane... it may contain small amounts of other chemicals which are much much more dangerous than methane itself is. For example, hydrogen sulfide is a very toxic gas that's often found in association with methane.

How long does it take to recover from natural gas poisoning?

Natural gas, also known as methane, is not poisonous, so there is no such thing as natural gas poisoning. The only danger of breathing it is that you could suffer from a lack of oxygen. If so, you would recover very rapidly if you resume breathing normal air, before you actually die of anoxia.

How dangerous can natural gas be to install new?

when installed new, natural gas is clean and SAFE. it has no known side effects and helps save the environment.

Does natural gas pollute the air?

Burning anything pollutes but natural gas does not pollute as much as gasoline that's why they use propane indoors for forklifts and other machines. Of course, if natural gas was a dangerous polluter then we wouldn't have gas stoves.

Can natural gas kill you?

Yes, natural gasses can kill you. Natural gasses can be very dangerous as many are hard to detect since they have no smell.

Is natural gas considered to be positive or negative for the environment?

Negative. Natural gas (methane) is a dangerous greenhouse gas causing global warming and climate change. Burning it releases carbon dioxide, another powerful greenhouse gas. There is no way natural gas is positive for the environment.