

Is cheating on a spouse wrong?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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13y ago

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Theirs no excuse for cheating ways of the unfaithful. a sign you dont care about the outcome/conseqences of this action plus you show you dont care about the feelings and emotional scaring you'll be inflicting on the victim.

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Q: Is cheating on a spouse wrong?
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What should you do if your spouse is cheating?

Just wrong and deserve the boot!!

What's the effect of cheating on a spouse?

Depends on the spouse but in most cases it is wrong, bad, hurtful and never ends good.

Term for cheating on a spouse?

cheating ANSWER: what about Adultery and Adulteress

What are the consequences of cheating spouse?

Cheating your spouse is not a good thing. It could land you into loneliness and other miserable feelings.

Why does your spouse constantly tease that you are cheating?

Your spouse teasing you or not talking is common. They are feeling left out as you are cheating on someone else.

Do you think your spouse is cheating but he is not?

Yes, some individuals can think their spouse is cheating when they are not. Some individuals have a jealous streak because they are not confident in themselves or perhaps have been hurt by someone else in the past that did cheat. Once an individual has been cheated on previously they are more inclined to be more suspicious of their new spouse cheating. This is where good communication skills is most important in a relationship and you should feel free to discuss how you feel with your spouse and then listen to what they have to say. There are male and female spouses who do cheat, but in most cases the signs are there or eventually the spouse cheating will give themselves away or be caught. We all risk a spouse cheating throughout our life spans, but thankfully a higher percentage do not cheat. Your relationship should be based on trust and if you do not feel you have it then work on it by communicating with your spouse or, if you are having difficulties with thinking your spouse is cheating there is nothing wrong with seeing a psychologist to get you over your difficult time.

Your spouse cheating if she had dinner and drinks with a old friend and did not say anything about it?

I feel that if anyone keeps a secret from their spouse about being with someone that they know you would not approve of is Cheating.... If she felt that it wasn't wrong she would have told you. That is plain sneaking around to me... I would keep my eyes open if I was you....

Is having sexual intercourse with someone other than your spouse considered cheating even if you have your spouse's consent?

It is consented but in a way it still is cheating on them

What is the tell tale financial sign of a cheating spouse?

If a spouse wants clues to check them out financially checking credit cards to see if the cheating spouse is staying in motels or hotels; check phone records; bank statements or how much money the cheating spouse is taking out of the bank from a joint account.

Does cheating spouse affect ones couth?

I have had a real bad experience when it comes to relationship.... it was really a bad moment when i found out my ex is cheating on me..... thanks to the help of phackers483 @ gmail.... reddit introduce me to him and i seek his service to get to know what is going behind my relationship... i was really glad to know the truth and was able to stay away from bad relationship

What you think the hazards of cheating are?

It depends on individual, but for sure one of hazardous of cheating is the pain that you can give your spouse. It will make your spouse depressed, low self esteem, feeling not good enough, will loose the safety blanket that your spouse has from you. There are a lot of concequences when it comes to cheating.

Why do the ugly images of spouse adultery refuse to go away?

When a spouse gives their other spouse all their love; trust and loyalty they always feel their spouse will do the same so when the spouse has an affair it comes as a shock to the other spouse. It is heartbreaking; that treasured bond of trust you once had in your spouse has gone and not easily earned back. It is normal to envision your cheating spouse being with someone else and enjoying themselves and it makes you question yourself as far as 'did I do something wrong; perhaps not enough and I let my partner down'; 'is our sexual relationship not good enough and did I do anything wrong; to 'does my cheating spouse think I am not attractive enough' or in some cases 'have I lost my looks and I'm too old and they don't want me anymore.' This makes the victim of a cheating spouse feel insecure and eventually they become angry and resentful and find it difficult to forgive their spouse for the cheating; the victim cannot feel sympathy for their spouse; the victim has a deep seated urge to pay back their cheating spouse for all the hurt he/she caused them and this in turn involves a poor sexual relationship because the victim feels when their cheating spouse is making love they are still thinking of the other person they cheated with. Marriage counseling can help, but it is entirely up to you (you hold the power) to either move on from the marriage or see a marriage counselor to learn the tools to deal with any problems in your marriage, but it takes the both of you to make it work. As far as your trust in your spouse it will take time and it is entirely up to them to earn that trust again.