

Is chocolate a cat

Updated: 8/18/2019
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9y ago

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The question doesn't make much sense, but you CAN get chocolate cats. The term Chocolate refers to a light/midtone brown colour of the fur.

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Q: Is chocolate a cat
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What is the difference between a cat and chocolate?

A cat is a small, fluffy animal. Chocolate is delicious. A cat is not food-chocolate is.

What is a York Chocolate Cat?

A York Chocolate Cat is an American breed of longhaired domestic cat.

My cat eats Chocolate is that natural?

Don't feed chocolate to your cat! Chocolate contains a substance called Theobromine. Different types of chocolate contain different levels of Theobromine. If your cat ate a lot of chocolate your cat should see a vet.

Why can't cats have chocolate?

Cat's can't have chocolate because it is toxic, and cat's can not have toxic things. Thats why cats cant have chocolate. If they get chocolate they could get sick and die. Never give them chocolate.

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Is you accidentally feed your cat chocolate will it die?

no your cat Will not die but if you gave it alot then it will be sick just know next time when you have chocolate you cat is in your face begging for it DO NOT.......IM GOING TO REPEAT .... DO NOT GIVE YOU CAT NOR YOUR DOG CHOCOLATE.

How much chocolate does it take to hurt a cat?

More than a nibble will hurt a cat. Especially dark chocolate

Can a purebred Norwegian Forest Cat have a chocolate coat?

Yes,a purebred Norwegian Forest Cat can have a chocolate coat.

Is Chocolate a good cat name?

Yes, Chocolate is a cute name!

Can a cat have dark chocolate?


How much is a chocolate Siamese cat worth?

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How much does a york chocolate cat cost?

The cost of a York chocolate cat will depend on the breeder. The prices are not listed online. You will have to get in touch with a breeder in your area for the prices.