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if you are tired from lack of sleep it is probably from the or your iron is low to check just get a somewhat gold ring and swipe it across your skin if there is a black line their then your iron is low and it wouldn't hurt to take extra iron any way it wont kill you if you take too much iron you will just have diarrhea fr a day or two.

-glad to help <3

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15y ago

People generally associate dark rings under eyes with lack of sleep... that's what my mum and friends say... if they are really dark, like black, you could see an optician. Hope this helps!

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14y ago

I don't think so, but just in case, try to find ways to get iron!

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Q: Can you have dark circles under the eyes with lack of iron?
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How do you get ride of dark circles under your eyes if you've been getting more and more sleep but they wont go away?

There are a variety of factors that might induce dark circles. Lack of sleep or poor sleeping habits, allergies, such as hay fever, hyperpigmentation, lower amounts of fatty tissue around the eyes, thinning skin beneath the eyes, and anaemia from iron shortage are just a few of the causes. To know more you can visit Skin And Shape Clinic which will reduce your dark circle under the eyes.

Can low iron be a cause of dark circles under your eyes?

Having low iron could be a type of anemia. Anemia can cause someone to have pale skin. The skin around your eyes is the thinnest and most delicate area of your entire body. It is also more translucent. Therefore, the capillaries, which are much closer to the surface of the skin around your eyes, are more apparent. Having pale skin could add to the obviousness of dark under eye circles.

What causes dark circles?

There are two main reasons you you would get dark circles 1. Your not getting enough sleep 2. Theres not enough iron in your diet hope that helps

Treatment or remedy for dark circles puffiness and wrinkles around the eyes to avoid from looking older?

Why Do They Arise? There are a number of causes of dark circles under eyes some of which are: Rubbing the Eyes a Lot due to lack of sleep or itchy eyes that occur in dusty rooms or if one suffers from an allergy, for example hay fever Sleep Difficulty (possibly due to stress or depression). Allergies Hay fever and dust allergies are known to cause dark circles under eyes. Dehydration As the skin under the eye is so close to the underlying bone, a lack of water in the body will become apparent in this area when the body is dehydrated. This will show up as a dark circle around or under the eye and will disappear once the body is properly hydrated again. Aging The skin tissue around the eyes is less plump and gets thinner when aging, causing dark circles. A moisturising dark circle eye cream can help to make this skin stronger and healthier again. How To Deal with Them There are a lot of other ways to deal with dark circle Drinking Lots of Water This will help avoid the problem of having dark circles, as one of the main causes of dark circles under eyes is dehydration. Water retention (the body holding on to fluids, making the body look bloated) will cause swelling under the eyes. Get Plenty of Sleep As the skin has self-healing properties and regulates fluids and transfers them to areas where they are needed itself, getting enough sleep is all important. At least 7-8 hours a night is recommended to remove dark circles under eyes. A Healthy Diet Plenty or proteins, fish and fresh fruit and vegetables (vitamin C and iron) and cutting salt out of your diet will help you look and feel a lot better. Salt dehydrates and vitamins and proteins will help keep the skin firm and looking healthy. Drinking lots of water every day will moisturise your skin from the inside of your body. Stop Smoking Smoking damages the skin and destroys certain vitamins in the body (especially vitamin C, needed to re-build skin cells). De-hydrating the skin, especially when combined with a regular intake of coffee and other high-caffeine drinks will make dark circles worse. To remove dark circles under eyes it is absolutely crucial to take good care of your health and that includes quitting with smoking.

How do you clear circles under the eye?

Dark circles around the eye region comprises of a common problem, seen in almost every other individual we come across. They might occur due to allergy, tiredness or may even be hereditary. While for some people, under eye circles may come and go easily, for others, it can be a constant phenomenon that always forms a part of their look. But not any more!! Under eye circles can be eliminated or at the least lessened to a great extent, with the use of certain remedies. In the following lines, we have provided tips on getting rid of dark circles under your eyes. * The best way to get rid of under-eye circle is to get proper sleep. Try to get at least of eight hours of sleep on a daily basis. Sleeping with a pillow under your head would reduce puffiness. * Cucumbers act effectively against dark circles. Cut slices of cucumber and chill them in the refrigerator. After this, place them on the eyes, for about 10 minutes. * Almond oil massage, under and around the eyes, would be beneficial in curing the black circles. * Take some turmeric powder and add a few drops of pineapple juice to it. Make a paste and apply it on the eyes. After about 5 minutes, rinse off with cool water. * Mix equal amounts of tomato juice and lime juice. Apply this on the eyes and after about 5 minutes, wash off. * Take some mint leaves. Crush them and apply the paste over the eyes. Let it stay for about 20 minutes, after which you can rinse it off. * Rose water also acts favorably in treating under eye circles. Dip a cotton ball in rose water and place it over the eye for about 10 minutes. * Intake of foods rich in vitamin E, vitamin C and iron will prove helpful in treating dark circles under the eyes. * Take two tea bags of chamomile tea and dip them in cold water. After a span of 5 minutes, place these tea bags on your eyes and keep there for 10 minutes. * Make a paste from the following ingredients - a tsp of tomato juice, &frac12; tsp of lemon juice, a pinch of turmeric powder and a dash of gram flour. Apply the paste on the eyes, keep for about 10 minutes and rinse off. This would help cure the dark circles.

How to get back our normal eyes without dark circles and back to original size as they were before wearing spectacles?

The darkness could be due to lack of iron in the body which can cause dark circles around the eye.Meaning you could be anemic.Your eyes will adjust after time if recently stated using contacts or just didn't need glasses any more.If these concerns worry you.I suggest talking to a health care provider.

How to get rid of dark circles?

Try applying frozen green tea bags once a day. It'll be chilly, but the anti-oxidants will take away some of the circles and sagging. Dark circles are formed due to insufficient sleep, iron deficiency and mood swings. Here are a few tips to prevent dark circles. Get enough sleep. Every person ideally needs about 8 hours of sleep, but if you think 6 or more is sufficient then sleep the needed hours. Close the windows and block light from hitting your face. Regulate the room temperature and have a good sleep. Exercise your eyes regularly. If you use the computer for more than 8 hours then it is important to take care of your eyes. Make it a practise to look up and away from the monitor once an hour. Rub the palms of your hands and place it on your eyes once an hour. Wash your eyes with cold water and keep them closed for a few minutes after long hours of work on the computer. Be positive and have a calm and relaxed mind. Do not let anything bother you and never take anything personally. Resource:

What vitamin is depleted when someone gets dark circle eyes?


Tips for Battling Dark Circles?

Dark circles are the bane of a woman's youthful beauty. They can make you look old and certainly don't help your self esteem. Here are a few tips for battling dark undereye circles. Iron Supplementation Dark circles are often caused by a deficiency in iron, which is far more common in women than men. Try taking an iron supplement or having a tablespoon of blackstrap molasses every day. Reduce stress Stress exhausts the body, strips it of it's key nutrients and speeds aging. Make sure you get plenty of sleep. Take time for yourself, and indulge in relaxing activities.

What is warning signs of low iron?

tired with dark rings under your eyes not enough energy sometimes and if think you are low in iron have a blood test

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Iron Eyes Cody was born on April 3, 1907.

When was Iron Eyes Cody born?

Iron Eyes Cody was born on April 3, 1907.