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Remember that pregnancy is a major body change and most doctors/midwives would suggest that you let your body heal a minimum of one year, and really you should wait at least 2 years. Your body needs to be able to go back to the way it was pre pregnancy. Having too many pregnancies close together puts you at a higher risk of a uterine prolapse (where your uterus slips out of its normal place and basically hangs in your vagina, you would need surgery and in sever cases a hysterectomy could be needed) It is true that more than likely it is ok, but there are elevated risks when you have babies one right after the other.

If you feel you can cope with two small children go ahead. There is a slightly higher chance that a second child so soon after a first may be pre-term but my brother and sister are only thirteen months apart and my sister was fine. I myself have twins so I know the feeling.

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Q: Is it a good idea to go ahead with a pregnancy when your son is only 4 months old?
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