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Talking and sharing is an integral and crucial part of a relationship. Denying you such intimacy is abusive.


abusers have an unequal sense of their "relationships"; whatever they give, or "suffer" (which may include giving caring or attention to others) is highly valuable in their eyes (whether it is or not), and whatever you offer, need, or believe is frivolous, unimportant, useless, or worse.

this holds across a wide range of interaction-- from conversation to household duties to life responsibilities-- there may be seeming exceptions, but those are usually instances where the abuser is trying to get something, impress a new person, or feel superior.


This is not abuse. It may not be a healthy relationship, but abuse means the other person is intentionally harming you, either physically or emotionally. This is simply a crappy marriage.

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Q: Is it abuse if your partner never initiates a conversation and tell you you talk too much whenever you initiate a conversation?
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