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  • Not on a general basis, but if one partner wants to get a divorce from the other they can use 'emotional abuse' as a way to get that divorce. If one is emotionally abused, it is just as bad as being physically abused (you just can't see the scars) and the victim should leave their abuser.
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13y ago
  • Verbal abuse is a type of abuse (leaves no scars with the acception of scarring the mental state of the person receiving the verbal abuse) so no, there is no law against verbal abuse.
  • Yes, it is illegal for parents to emotionally abuse children. Often the emotional abuse has a physical part as well. The emotional abuse is harder to prove, but it can be done and parents can be loose children because of it. I am going to disagree with the person above concerning emtional abuse. Emotional abuse is not only verbal it can also be physcial. An example would be a parent locking a child in a closet for hours or making them stand in an exact position for hours. This is emotional abuse and it is illegal.
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Q: Is it illegal for parents to emotionally abuse their kids?
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Is it illegal for parents to abuse their kids?


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Why does child abuse occur?

Some parents abuse their kids because they have an alcohol or drugs problem, or they have an extreme temper and they take it out on their kids, some parents abuse their kids because the parents went through something traumatic like losing a wife or husband (but that's still not an excuse to start abusing your child!) Some parents abuse their children because they were abused when they were children, and then, you get some people who are just plain cruel and enjoy abusing children. Sometimes kids are abused because of temper tantrums or how they act all the time to their parents.

Should lebanese parents smack their kids?

Parents should NOT physically abuse their children, regardless of what ethnicity they are.

Is it illegal to keep kids after school?

Well you have to contact the parents first.

That kids are allowed to be hit?

if it is diciplenary by the child's parents yes(like spanking), but if it is parental abuse or abuse from any other person it is considered child abuse

Is it illegal for parents to exclude their kids?

Yes. If you know your kids wanna come, you can't jut not take them.

Can parents tell their children not to eat?

NO!! it is illegal kids have the right to eat!! if that's what your parents do then you should report it!

Are parents allowed to break any of their kids bones?

In Britain and most countries, parents are not allowed to break bones or abuse their children. Unfortunately, such abuse still happens somewhere. Hopefully, such parents are caught, tried in a law court, and sentenced appropriately.

What is one thing your parents do that you would do differently when raising your own children?

It is important to let your kids know that you love them and set a nice quality example for them in life. If you get mad or have a temper, it is important to control it and not act out in violent or abusive ways towards your kids or your spouse. Even if you are mad, it is important not to verbally or emotionally abuse either. Kids need rules, structure, and help to do well in life, but parents need to let their kids do some things on their own as they get older, within safe limits, so they can become independent adults. I'm not going to bash my own parents though, just give advice.

Can kids make money besides from parents?

no they cant and if they do they are probably stealing selling something illegal ect.