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If your driving ability is impaired by taking these RX drugs, you could be charged with DUI.

You may want to check your company hand book or talk to HR most places will not let you work at all if you must take any pain killers they concider it working under the influence

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Q: Is it illegal to drive a commercial vehicle if you've take Vicodin or Darvocet?
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Is it illegal to drive a commercial vehicle while wearing headphones in kansas?

It is illegal on all 50 states.

Is it illegal to operate a commercial vehicle with a learners permit?

By yourself it is illegal. Just like your permit when you started driving a car you have to have a properly licensed driver with you.

Can you smoke in your car while driving in UK?

Smoking in a private vehicle is not illegal unless it causes you to drive without due care and attention. From October 2015, it will be illegal to smoke in a vehicle when there are children present. It is illegal to smoke in commercial vehicles, except for lorries.

Is a mercury mariner a non-commercial vehicle?

The Mercury Mariner is a passenger vehicle. It's only a commercial vehicle if used for commercial purposes. If it has passenger plates, it is not considered a commercial vehicle, and is not subject to commercial vehicle restrictions.

Is it legal to drink alcohol in the sleeper of a commercial vehicle?

It is illegal to consume alcohol in the sleeper berth of a commercial vehicle in the United States. Drivers are prohibited from possessing or consuming alcohol while on duty or operating a commercial vehicle.

When is a vehicle considered a commercial vehicle?

When it is used for commercial purposes.

What types of vehicles qualify for a commercial vehicle loan?

Any vehicle that is going to be used for commercial purposes would qualify for a commercial vehicle loan. You will also have to have commercial insurance on the vehicle.

Is a law enforcement vehicle considered a commercial vehicle?

No. A commercial vehicle is defined as a motor vehicle used for public transportation or cargo transportation. Generally, A vehicle is designated "commercial" when it is titled or registered to a company. A taxi cab is a commercial vehicle. A police car is not.

Will a prescription for Vicodin affect your cdl test?

Yes and no. While having a prescription for Vicodin gives you a legal right to have them in your possession and in your system, you cannot operate your vehicle under the influence of the drug. Believe it or not, you can actually get a DUI for it. Furthermore, remember that you are driving a commercial vehicle which is dangerous in it of itself, let alone driving a commercial vehicle under the influence of your legal prescription.

how do I track a commercial vehicle?

To track a commercial vehicle, you must have a vehicle tracking system, much like a GPS. With one of these systems, it is easy to use and track the commercial vehicle.

Can you put a sign on a noncommercial vehicle in NJ?

Yes Edit of original answer above. It is illegal to put signage on any non commercial vehicle in the state of NJ unless it is used by a drug company in their deliveries.