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No. Taxes are obtrusive and should all be eradicated.

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Q: Is it legal for HUD to count the tax exempt structured settlement annuity annual payment in calculating monthly subsidized rent?
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Related questions

How does a structured settlement annuity work?

A structured settlement annuity is an agreement between a company and an individual. The company has the obligation to pay a predetermined amount of money to the individual over a stated timeline.

What is structured annuity?

A structured settlement annuity is an agreement where an insurance company will pay an individual the predetermined amount of money over a finite period of time.

Can I transfer cash for a structured settlement into an annuity?

Many structured settlements are actually already in the form of an annuity. If for some reason they're not, it doesn't look like you could transfer them without using one of those cash-for-settlement companies and then buying an annuity with the payout.

How can one obtain a structured settlement transfer?

A structured settlement is a conservative pre-owned annuity or in other words a financial or insurance arrangement. The benefits of a structured settlement transfer can be to reduce legal and other costs.

What is a Structured Settlement Annuity?

Structure settlement annuities are a type of annuity a defendant purchases in a personal injury law suit to pay the injury victim. The payments are free from tax.

Are there any Brokers that specialize in structured settlement in minnesota?

Brokerages usually have nothing to do with structured settlements. A Structured settlement is an arrangement usually between an insurer and a plaintiff in a successful litigation or settlement. Usually it comes in the form of an annuity paid by the insurer.

How do structured Settlement Annuities work?

Payments from a structured settlement annuity can be made over the duration of a person's life. This way the person can focus on health and recovery if they are unable to work.

Where can one find a structured settlement broker?

A structured settlement broker is also known as an annuity broker. They are trained in facilitating a payout schedule for settlements. You can find a broker at your nearest law office.

Who is on the Approved structured settlement brokers list for the department of justice?

, Please see the related link on the Annuity Brokers List.

How long do structured settlements typically last?

A structured settlement is an alternative method of compensation in personal injury cases. Instead of proceeding with litigation or accepting an all-cash settlement in one lump sum, clients who choose a structured settlement receive a cash portion of the settlement now and periodic payments made through a Structured Settlement Annuity for whatever length of time they choose. They can even choose to receive payments for their entire lifetime.

What does structured settlement mean?

A structured settlement is a financial agreement which may be agreed after a court decides damages in a personal injury case. Rather than receiving a lump sum settlement the payments may be made as an annuity. A structured settlement may be set up to provide an income for life, whereas a lump sum payment may be at risk if unwisely invested.

How can the buyer of annuity structured settlement pay less money?

The buyer of annuity structured settlements can pay less money by only buying settlements which are due to pay out over a longer period of time. Buying a settlement paid over 5 years isn't as profitable as the seller won't be willing to give up a sizable portion of their payment as they can still get it on a short term basis.