

Is it okay to end a sentence with the word same?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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there is a famous nava message
"Sighted ship, sank same"

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Q: Is it okay to end a sentence with the word same?
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While it is common in casual speech to end a sentence with "at," it is considered informal and unnecessary in formal writing. In formal writing, it is better to say "Where is Jimmy?" or "Where is Jimmy located?" to avoid ending the sentence with a preposition.

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noA sentence cannot end with the word "the". Hmmm, wait a minute.

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No, because we do not end a sentence with the word 'at'. Simple asking "Where is she?" conveys the same inquiry, and 'at' is unnecessary.

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No, periods at the end of a sentence do not count as a separate word. They are punctuation marks used to indicate the end of a sentence.

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No, if you end a sentence with the word of, it would be an incomplete sentence. There will always be other words or at least one word that follows the word of in a sentence.

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Its a verbal tic and likely a mild form of Tourettes Syndrome. The same people will say "alright" at the end of every sentence comparably as much as they say "okay".

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Ending a sentence with the word "at" is generally not considered correct grammar. It is better to rephrase the sentence to avoid ending it with a preposition like "at."