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No because it needs time to develop

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Q: Is it possible for a Female Hamster to give birth to one baby then more a day later?
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How many days later will the female hamster get pregnant after breeding?

The hamster could become pregnant afer 10-16 day's

Is it okay if you put another male hamster which was born with your female hamster together after a week later because you need to exchange the hamster?

you should never house hamster together unless you are planning to breed.

How was kitten born?

The male and female sexually mate later on u start to notice ur female cats belly grow then it later on gives birth to kittens

What country and what year did all pet hamsters descend from a sigle golden female hamster?

In the year 1839 a British zoologist named George Robert Waterhouse found an elderly female hamster in Syria. After this discovery, there wasn't much more found out until a century later. In 1930, Israel Aharoni, another zoologist, found a female hamster and her litter of pups in Syria. Most hamsters in captivity today are believed to be descendents of this litter.

How do you mate dwarf hamsters?

To mate your dwarf hamsters, you have to have one female and one male hamster. Make sure they have separate cages, and when your female hamster is "in the heat", (hamster period, this means she's ready to mate) put them together in one cage for a few minutes. Observe. If they start fighting or biting each other, separate them immediately! Try again a few days later. If they like each other, they will mate and do their job. Leave them in there until they're done, or about half an hour later. Hope this helped! P.S Female hamsters are in the heat every 4 days, and to tell if she is in the heat, just tickle her bottom and she will become stiff and in an awkward position, she will also smell very odd.

How long is a female human pregnant for?

A female usually gives birth after 40 to 42 weeks, but can come sooner (usually with some health risk to the baby) or later.

Do Syrian hamsters that are males bite more than the females?

Acttually I have found the males are nicer than the females my males have never bitten me and ALL My females bite. hi my names amber, i have had a male syrian hamster named teddy that unfortuanitly died Friday 10th June 2011. I brought a new hamster later that day. I asked for a male ( because my last hamster teddy didnt bite and was lovely) I picked one out and i have had now had it for 2 days and i have checked it and it turned out to be a female who I have called honey, anyway my couson Lois has a syrian female hamster to (Lucy) she is very vicious( she is a baby) and my new female hamster is not.... so i say most female hamsters do bite more than males.... its best to get a male..... amber

How can you tell when a hamster is about to give birth?

If you let your matured hamster be with a matured male hamster, it is most likely she will mate. When a hamster is pregnant, its stomach will look rounded, giving her a pear-like shape. She will also have a gestation period from 13-14 days. I think that means sleeping a lot. And after 16 days of pregnancy, she will finally give birth. Your hamster would know when she's about to give birth and start making a nest. I'm not really sure but I hope these helped. yah well guess what it didnt ur wrong dude or wat ever u r it depends wat type of hamster you have a dwarf hamster will give birth in about 18-21 days! look it up before you say stuff!

Can a male dwarf hamster go into a female dwarf hamster's cage?

No,no,and definitely not. That is a very bad idea. A male hamster should NEVER be placed in a female's cage, because female hamsters are very defensive about their territory,and will attack your male if he is placed in her cage. If you want the perfect set-up for more hamsters, you should put the female in the male's cage. Since males aren't as defensive about their territory as females, the female will get used to your male hamster's scent. Then they might eventually mate,then you should take her out of his cage. This happened when I first had 3 dwarf hamsters. We put our smallest one, Snowy, into our ferocious female hamster's cage , Paws (it was Chompers at the time, but we changed the name), and she tackled Snowy all over the place. He would have been killed if we hadn't have taken him out. A few years later, I learned in a book about hamsters and their mating, and discovered our problem with putting Snowy in Paws' cage.

Does a female hamster need a male hamster?

A female hamster shouldn't even be in the same cage as a male hamster,unless you are trying to breed them.If they are together the male will naturally try to mate with her,it doesn't matter to him that she might not be in heat. If a female isn't in heat she will attack any male that is in the cage with her.Also if you are putting 2 hamsters together with the intention of breeding you should always hand breed. Hand breeding is when you wait until the female is in heat and you put her and the male in neutal territory. Always wear gloves and have a ruler handy so that if need be you can separate them from fighting,although this rarly happens.After they actually start to mate supervise them for 40 minutes and then put both back in their own cages.Approximately 16 days later you should have babies. They don't.

Can intersex give birth?

No. Transgender women as of 2017 do not have uteruses and cannot get pregnant. There was a spoof story about a transgender woman giving birth in 2011, but this is simply impossible with today's technology.

When you go off the Birth Control Pill and have regular cycles for 6 months is it possible for post pill Amenorrhea to start six months later?

Nope this isn't possible.