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Mice form part of the wild polecat's diet, meaning that while eating them will present a slightly increased chance of your ferret contracting disease from the mice (they may also get fleas), it will be safe enough to not worry about.

I suspect that, if you keep ferrets and have mice in your home, it'll be almost impossible to stop the ferrets eating them!

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Yes, ferrets can kill Mouses. Besides killing Mouses, ferrets can also kill rats.

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Q: Is it safe for ferrets to eat house mice?
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What kind of animals does a ferret eat?

Black footed ferrets eat prairie dogs. Domestic ferrets might eat rodents, such as rabbits, mice, rats, etc.

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Yes....... :)

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Do ferrets eat mice?Yes, ferret can eat mice, some owners prefer to feed ferrets a raw diet, including mice. Ferrets were at one time used as rodent control in the U S, endorsed by the U S Department of Agriculture, until they were replaced with chemical exterminator for rodents. They were used from 1860 until World War II to protect grain stores in the American West.

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What animals eat ferrets?

Domestic ferrets possible predators would be hawks, owls, or any larger carnivorous mammals would hunt them given the opportunity. Black footed ferrets natural enemies includes coyotes, great-horned owls, golden eagles, prairie falcons, badgers, bobcats and foxes.

Can ferrets eat licorice?

Ferrets cannot eat licorice

We have baby mice in our house how can I find out what type of mice they are?

well if they are in your house they probabley are house mice. if not you could take it to an exotic vetranaryan and the person could tell you. i had this baby mouse in my house last nite and i was the one that spotted it and my cat was tryinng to eat it, SHOULD I LET MY CAT EAT IT?

Uses of house cats?

they will eat pesky mice silly

Is cornstarch safe for mice?

Yes it is, but you should not feed it to them. They will only eat it if they are starving.