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That is a question of faith, not history. But there are some people, especially Biblical Christians, who believe that is true.

That is actually a line from the Old Testament, or Hebrew Scriptures. It was applying to the nation of Israel, not necessarily today's modern State of Israel.

Answer 2

Yes it is true. In this context "Israel" refers to all Jews, whether they live in the State of Israel, or outside of it. Nothing whatsoever in The Bible suggests that it was referring only to ancient Israel, or specifically not to Israel today or in all times. God's promises are eternal and irrevocable. The modern Jews are the same people as the old nation of Israel, and are largely consolidated around the modern State of Israel.

Answer 3

It isn't true.

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Yes, that is stated explicitly many times (see Genesis 12:2). It has been shown historically, that nations which accepted a large influx of Jews, reached the height of their prosperity in the same era, such as ancient Egypt, Babylonia, the Golden Age of Spain, the Ottoman Empire, and the United States today. Spain began its decline after instituting the Inquisition and expelling the Jews, while the Ottomans welcomed very many Jewish exiles at that time. This is also the reason why the enemies of modern Israel have suffered repeated defeats.

See also the Related Link.

Link: God protects Israel

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Q: Is it true that if a nation blesses Israel it will be blessed and if it curses Israel it will be cursed?
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