

Is it true that if you say q it stops a person from sneezing?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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No. That is a myth.

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Q: Is it true that if you say q it stops a person from sneezing?
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What happens physically during the process of sneezing?

Snot comes out of your nose and people usually say "bless you" or "god bless you". the reason people say god bless you is because you heart stops for a quick second and bacteria is what comes out when you sneeze.

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== ==

What do superstitions say about sneezing?

That they come in threes.

Why do people say achoo when sneezing?

not all people do..

Why do you say bless you while sneezing?

In past times it was commonly believed that when a person sneezed, a demon was expelled from the body. I don't even know how I know that.

How do you say sneezing in French?

verb éternuer noun éternuement

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No. The calander stops because the earth will be aligned with the sun and the center of the galaxy and other stuff; there will be no doomsday.

Why say god bless you when sneez?

The phrase "God bless you" after a sneeze originated from the belief that sneezing can expel evil spirits from the body, so the blessing was a way to protect the person sneezing. Over time, it has become a common polite response to someone sneezing as a way to wish them well.

How do you say good health in Spanish?

Physically : buena salud [After sneezing]: salud!

When do you say 'God bless you'?

You say it in response to someone sneezing, or in some cases, as a fervent thanks for something they did for you that helps you greatly.

Can someone say no to true love?

While a person cannot change their feelings, they can ignore them to a certain degree and not act on them, so in a way, a person can so "no" to true love.

How do you say be true to me?

well you first say to the person just be yourself and tell me the truth how you really think or feel