

Is it true that lightning strike only twice?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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8y ago

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Nope - lightning can strike the same place multiple times if the object presents enough ionic attraction to ground the charge.

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Q: Is it true that lightning strike only twice?
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What happens when someone gets stroke by lighting?

They die ps you spelt struck wrong A person does not always die after being struck by lightning. There are many occasions where people have survived a lightning strike. You can always do a search on lightning strike survivors and you will see this is true.

Is it a myth or a fact that lightning never strikes twice in the same place?

No,it can fall dozens of time in the same place. Go to on your interpretation of the myth, it can be true, there has never been a recorded instance where a lightning hit in the same way rather than the more famous interpretation of the end position.

Why doesn't lightning hit a place twice?

This is not true. Some places have been hit many times. The Empire State Building, for example, is hit by lightning an average of 100 times per year. If you looked at it from a simple perspective, most spots are never hit by lightning, but one bolt does not affect the chances of another striking. So the chances of the same spot getting hit twice completely at random are extremely low. However, lightning is not completely random. Tall objects naturally attract lightning, so objects such as towers and mountains tend to be struck fairly frequently.

Is it really true that the lightning strikes first before the thunder or the lightning and thunder strikes together but only the lightning seems to be first because of it's speed of light?

Lightning does indeed strike first, as thunder is the sound created by lightning. According to Wikipedia, lightning heats the air surrounding it by large quantities, which in turn causes the air to expand and create a "Sonic wave" which is similar to a sonic boom.

What was the lightning war strategy used by the Germans?

True. "Lighting War" in German is blitzkrieg

You were told from a earth science teacher that lightning starts from the ground is this true?

There are many types of lightning STREAMERS that start a lightning strike. There are 3 basic places where streamers will originate from. They can come from a cloud to the ground or the ground to a cloud or from cloud to cloud. So your teacher was correct. But not always from the ground.

Is it true that lightnings strike only once?

No. One man has been hit seven times. See the link below. Many places are hit repeatedly. There is a river estuary in SOuth America whose name escapes me which has the most lightning strikes on record

Is it true that geckos are attractive to lightning?

No. No animal attracts lightning.