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... Sigh. America. How ashamed i am of thee sometimes...

First of all, there are no two people who are exactly alike in looks. Its physically impossible, even for identical twins, to not have an outstanding feature from the other (One Twin may be taller, or more commonly, have freckles or moles in different places than their sibling)

Second of all, If you really think physical appearance determines intrests/activities/taste, then you are shallow. Each human being is unique in that you have a soul, whether you believe in a greater power or not (Personally, i am an athiest) you have a soul, and the decisions, the intrests, the realtionships and connections that you have shape your soul into a unique body. The Idea of Perfectly (Mentally) Identical Twins is... Orwellian. No two people on this earth are the same, whether it be by looks, intrests, taste, or any other human attribute. Its the beauty of life, that each being is in and of itself a beautiful, completly unique person.

Think Snow Flakes.

Now, please Go to your local Library and read a book, preferably not one involving large text and pictures -_-


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