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This is not a compound sentence. However, it could be reworded to, "My mother will not let my cat in the house because she dislikes them," to sound more grammatically correct.

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Q: Is my mother dislikes cats and won't let mine in the house a compound?
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Does Sarah palin have a cat?

No. She dislikes cats.

How do you easily romance cats on touch pets cats?

Just find a cat a different gender and bring to the house and some point of time it well say something like this..."Kitty likes that Lucky is a mellow cat" or "Kitty dislikes like Lucky is a mellow cat". If it says "dislike" in the sentence and you find out what the cat dislikes about about the cat and then get the other kitty that is the opposite.

Are house cats born in the wild?

It depends on the fact if the mother was raised in the wild, or in a vet/pet shop.

What are the likes and dislikes of the caracal?

Caracals don't like it when other cats are near their food.

What is the compound subject and verb in indoor cats and outdoor cats require lots of attention?

Indoor cats and outdoor cats are the compound subject (not including the and), and require is the verb.

Are there house cats in the world?

Yes, many cats are house cats. You can count all adopted cats as house cats, since they belong to households.

Cats are divided into three main group's- small cats big cats and leopards in which group do your house cats belong?

Cats are aggressive when you get to close to their babies. 

Are wild cats as fastidious as house cats about stool?

yes wild cats are as fastidious as house cats

How are big cats related to house cats?

They are related to house cats because they are both in the cat family and if you research it they do things regular house cats do.

What do house cats do?

Practice being good house cats, doing the landry, housework and minding the little house cats.

Can you move a bluebird house with baby bluebirds in it to keep it away from cats?

No, this would confuse the mother bird. If you do move the eggs then they would be in even more danger because they would be with out a mother. There would be no other way then to make the cats stay back.

Are there more wild cats or house cats in the world?

I think there are more house cats. -Annabelle