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In my opinion yes; he invented direct current ,which was stolen by Edison, alternating current, remote control technology, radio waves, incandescent bulbs, wire less power ,which he never had the funding to complete, and many other inventions way out of there time in his lost journal, some rumored to be an earth quake machine. Another of his ideas was haarp a signal station that can bend the jet streams using radio frequencies to over heat the air and change and direct the climate. All Einstien did was relativity and the nuclear bomb while those are truly genius accomplishments compairing Tesla to Einstien would be like comparing Newton to DaVincii

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Q: Is Nikola Tesla smarter than albert Einstein?
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Who is smarter Einstein or Tesla?

Both Albert Einstein and Nikola Tesla were incredibly intelligent individuals, but they had different areas of expertise. Einstein is known for his contributions to physics, particularly his theory of relativity, while Tesla was known for his work in electrical engineering and invention of the alternating current (AC) system. Comparing their intelligence is subjective and depends on the criteria you use to evaluate intelligence.

Did Einstein meet Tesla?

There is no definitive evidence to suggest that Albert Einstein and Nikola Tesla ever met in person. While they shared mutual admiration for each other's work, they were not known to have had a personal meeting during their lifetimes.

Who has a higher IQ Albert Einstein or Nikola Tesla?

Einstein was a theoretical proposer. tesla was a hands on, applied science provider, and innovator, who took his theories into the lab and shop. to fully develope new technology. that is, in fullness, the mark of real genius.

Name at least five good scientist?

1. Albert Einstein 2. Thomas Edison 3. Isaac Newton 4. Nikola Tesla 5. Benjamin Franklin

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Nikola Tesla, Albert Einstein, Thomas Edison, Alexander Graham Bell, Nicholas Copernicus, Thomas Jefferson, Issac Newton etc.

What country was Einsten born in?

Albert Einstein was born in Ulm, in the Kingdom of Württemberg in the German Empire (present-day Germany) in 1879.

The scientist who suggested that energy can be created under certain conditions was?

Though someone said, "Einstein with E=mc2," it was actually Nikola Tesla, a brilliant but forgotten scientist and inventor who is considered the "Forgotten Father of Technology," who originated the concept of creating energy. It was Albert Einstein

Who based his theory upon that of Albert Einstein?

Nikola Tesla based some of his work on the theories of Albert Einstein, particularly in the realm of theoretical physics and energy. Tesla admired Einstein's contributions to the field of science and often referenced his work in his own research and writings.

Is nikola Tesla alive?

Nikola Tesla died in 1943, he is not alive.

When was The Secret of Nikola Tesla created?

The movie "The Secret of Nikola Tesla" was released in 1980. It portrays the life and work of inventor Nikola Tesla.

What are the awards of Nikola Tesla?

The awards of Nikola tesla are the emmie's and the Oscars

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Arthur J. Beckhard has written: 'Albert Einstein' -- subject(s): Juvenile literature 'The story of Dwight D. Eisenhower' -- subject(s): Fiction, Juvenile literature 'Nikola Tesla'