

Is pie better than cake

Updated: 10/6/2023
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8y ago

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pie is clearly better than cake. don't question the power of pie. it always depends

if its banana cream or coconut cream pie the............PIE!!!!!!!!!!

But if its a chocolate cake then.........................CAKE!!!!!!!!!!!

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8y ago
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14y ago

cheesecake definitly...chocolate cheesecake to be exact.....

pie is nasty :D

i do think cheese is better but it must be straberry cheese cake and not chocalate

ps pie is awesome

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15y ago

A pie is a baked dish which is usually made of a pastry dough shell that covers or completely contains a filling of various sweet or savoury ingredients. Pies can be either "filled", where a dish is covered by pastry and the filling is placed on top of that, "top-crust," where the filling is placed in a dish and covered with a pastry/potato MASH top before baking, or "two-crust," with the filling completely enclosed in the pastry shell. Pies can be a variety of sizes, ranging from bite-size to ones designed for multiple servings.

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15y ago

Some people dont like the way cake tastes and some people dont like the way pie tastes. Ex: I dont like pie but i do like cake. And also cake has icing on it so some people like it better but some dont. So its not that cake is better than pie or the other way around its just the way their taste buds are. :] :^D :P :O

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14y ago

Maybe, to some extent. Pie does tend to use fruits or vegetables in it. However, both cake and pie contain lots of carbs, sugars, fats, and calories. Neither is very "healthy" for you at all.

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12y ago

That depends on their personal preference.

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13y ago

Pie is obviously better the reason is with pie you can fly to the sky and go so high while with ice cream you scream

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One can only be better than the other if you describe what you want to accomplish. If you want a sugary dessert with a lot of fatty goodness, a cake is probably better. If you want a denser dessert with a flaky crust and smooth filling then a pie is better.

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Personal preference varies from person to person, so the only answer that can really be given for this question is: people who prefer the taste of pie.

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not exactly a cake pie is the layers of the cake while pie is a crusted figure with a fruity or creamy filling

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Two pies are better than one pie!

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Well according do my calculations it is a considered pie. I don't know what it means but that's what i belive. I am a physic and i am always right that's what the angels are telling me. yes it is a no physic, but yes its a pie!

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well auctually pie pie p-pie p-pie cake cake ca-cake there ya go!!