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L-Lysine which is an amino-acid was recommended to me by my Dr. when I had Shingles, which like canker sores, is also a herpes virus. It began to start relieve the systems fairly quickly when nothing else worked. I have a friend who gets canker sores when in the sun and won't leave home without taking the Lysine when she goes to the beach or expects to be exposed to sun excessively. Hope it helps.


Canker sores are not caused by the herpes simplex virus, and are not contagious; unlike cold sores. Regardless, L-Lysine gives the immune system a boost and so this should help you. You should also try taking a Zinc, but only on a full stomach. The herb, Echinacea, will also give the immune system a boost. L-Lysine is so effective on cold sores, because it prohibits some of the Arginine in your system. Canker sores will only appear when the immune system is weakened, so taking L-Lysine will help you, even though herpes is not the problem. You can buy it in pill form, or you can obtain it through your diet by incorporating proteins like cheese and eggs.

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13y ago

The amino acid lysine has been shown to help with prevention of cold sores as well as shorten the healing time of existing cold sores. Unfortunately, there haven't been many studies and the results of these few studies vary. One study indicates that only a dosage of at least 1250mg per day is effective at preventing cold sores. Another shows that any dosage between 500mg and 3000mg daily is sufficient.

Cold sore sufferers who do not have the money to pay $160 for 16 pills of Acyclovir(an antiviral commonly prescribed by doctors to heal cold sores) would generally rather pay $10 for a 100 count bottle of lysine supplements.

It is best, when taking other medicines, to consult your doctor of physician to discover any adverse reactions with lysine. Most articles recommend experimenting until you find the lowest effective dose to prevent cold sore occurences, and at the appearance of an outbreak, up the dosage to around 3000mg a day until the sore disappears, then return to the preventive dosage.

This is all just information I have collected in my own research to discover a way to reduce the frequency, severity, and length of my outbreaks. I have only just begun taking lysine this very morning, and in the hour since I took it (I got my cold sore last night) the swelling of my lip has already gone down, and the burning has subsided. I'm hoping to continue taking lysine and living a half-normal life again.

Hope this helped.

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Can goji berries help cure cold sores?

No hun, nothing can cure cold sores. Over the counter cold sore creams or lysine can help heal them faster.

Can l lysine be used for anything other than cold sores and shingles?

It can be used to treat bell's paulsy and it can help improve circulation. But it's mainly used to treat cold sores. Lysine is a more natural antiviral. Shingles are slightly different, they are caused by chicken pox not cold sores.

Can you take amoxicillin 500 mg to help heal the sores in your nose?

If it's a cold sore then that won't do much to help it. Cold sores are caused by a virus, you would have to get some antiviral medication or try taking Lysine capsils.

Can Flucloxacillin be used when you have VERY bad cold-sores all around your mouth?

Probably not the best thing to use on cold sores around the mouth. It's more used to treat bacterial infections, and cold sores are caused by a virus. It may help heal the sores but you may not want to use it on your mouth as it could be toxic. Just get some over the counter cold sore cream to help heal te sores.

Does lysine help you lose weight?

I don't believe lysine helps you to lose weight. I believe lysine is a preventive for fever sores such as from the sun. CG

What is the name of pills to take for cold sores?

Cold sores are caused by a virus so you would need antiviral medication like valtrex or famvir. Or you can also go the natural rout and try taking lysine. There is also over the counter creams that you can apply to the cold sore regularly to help heal it.

Can eye drops help cold sores?

Eye drops won't help cold sores.

What over the counter medication can I use for cold sore inside the mouth?

There are no over-the-counter products which have been found to shorten the length of cold sores after initial appearance. Only prescription antivirals, such as Zovirax or Valtrex along with ointments like Zovirax or Denavir have been found to effectively prevent or treat cold sores. These products will shorten their appearance from 10 days to about 5 days.

What does L lysine do?

If you suffer from regular outbreaks of cold sores and fever blisters a Lysine supplement can help treat and also prevent these outbreaks. Cold sores, fever blisters and shingles are all forms of the Herpes virus and several studies have shown that Lysine inhibits viral replication. These specific types of viruses utilize Arginine (another form of amino acid) and increasing the availability of Lysine in the human body slows the virus replication and inhibits the use of Arginine. Studies have also indicated that Lysine could suppress genital herpes. Use of Lysine as an alternative treatment to cold sores reduces the frequency of outbreaks and lesions heal quicker. Please consult your medical practitioner prior to using any herbal medications should you be under their care. Lysine has little known side-effects as it is an amino acid that the human body needs. Lysine should not be taken with milk or any foods that contain milk as it neutralizes the effects of Lysine. Do not take Lysine if you are using any of the following anti-biotics: Gentamicin, Tobramycin, Amikacin, Kanamycin or Netilmicin. Lysine is available in pill form and cream form. At the onset of an outbreak of cold sores, start with a dosage of 1000mg Lysine daily and as the condition improves, take a therapeutic dosage of 500mg daily. Lysine cream can be applied topically to the affected areas to reduce the symptoms of painful outbreaks.

Does desonide works for cold sores?

NO you shouldn't use that, specially if the cold sore is on or around the mouth. It's supposed to help sooth rashes and some skin conditions. They say not to apply it around the eyes, nose or mouth. Just get your self some cold sore cream from the pharmacy.

Is amoxicillin good for cold?

Amoxicilllin is useless against cold sores. Amozycillin helps to kill infectious bacteria, but cold sores are caused by a different 'germ': a virus.No, it does not help cold sores.

Can cold sores be prevented from forming on my lips?

Medications will help by reducing the intensity and frequency of cold sores. There is no guarantee of any known medication today, that will prevent cold sores.