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Yes, the application of human intelligence to computers is known as Artificial Intelligence (AI). AI involves the development of computer systems and algorithms that can perform tasks that would typically require human intelligence. These tasks may include problem-solving, pattern recognition, learning, decision-making, natural language processing, and more.

AI can be categorized into two broad types: weak AI and strong AI. Weak AI, also known as narrow AI, is designed to perform specific tasks within a limited domain. Examples of weak AI include virtual assistants like Siri and Alexa, recommendation algorithms used by streaming services, and image recognition systems. Strong AI, on the other hand, refers to AI systems that possess general intelligence similar to human intelligence. Strong AI aims to develop machines that can understand, learn, and apply knowledge across various domains. Strong AI is still largely a theoretical concept and has not been fully achieved.

The application of AI has seen significant advancements in recent years, with developments in machine learning, deep learning, and neural networks. These technologies enable computers to process large amounts of data, recognize patterns, and make predictions or decisions based on the analyzed information. AI has found applications in various fields, including healthcare, finance, manufacturing, transportation, customer service, and more. My recommendation 𝓱𝓽𝓽𝓹𝓼://𝓳𝓿𝔃8.𝓬𝓸𝓶/𝓬/2853673/394911

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Anurag gth

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Yes, the application of human intelligence to computers is known as artificial intelligence (AI). AI involves developing computer programs that can perform tasks that usually require human intelligence, such as visual perception, speech recognition, decision-making, and language translation, among others. AI aims to create machines that can simulate human cognitive abilities and reasoning, and in some cases, exceed them.

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Q: Is the application of human intelligence to computers?
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Why do computers have no intelligence?

Because, Computers are nothing but Machines and Intelligence can be found only in living organisms.

What gives the computer' system its intelligence?

this is kind of a tough question to answer. In essence, computers are just stupid lumps of hardware until software is added. a computer can turn on, but can never actually do anything until the software tells it what to do. the software is written by a human, in a coding language. coding languages such as c#, c++, .net, etc. are human readable coding languages. after the code is written, software called a compiler puts it all together so to speak, and turns it into a language the computer can handle (binary). so, essentially a computers intelligence is the product of collective programmers intelligence.

What are expectations about fifth generation computer?

Lack of thinking power in computers was a challenge for the scientists. So they are trying for this and there all expectation about fifth generation computers are ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE and EXPERT SYSTEMS. The scientists want the computer like a human being and these are all expectations about fifth generation computers.

List and explain few areas of computer application?

Computers have a large number of applications in variety of fields. Computers have great applications in the field of Information Technology, Physics, Medical sciences, Artificial intelligence, Robotics, Information Systems, Economics, Statistics, Financial Management, Nuclear Physics, Businesses, Human Resource Management etc. Computers are widely used by the businesses and organizations for effective management of information and resources in almost all departments. Marketing and advertising agencies rely on computer databases of customers and various other tools to track the needs of the customers. Human Resource Management Information Systems help organizations to keep record about the employees. Computers are used in networks which help individuals in the organizations to communicate with each other by sharing files and important documents.

Some people say the computers have made life easy and more convient other people say that computers have made life more complex and stressful what is your opinion use specific reasons and examples?

Computers could develop A.I. (artificial intelligence) and start a revolt.but Computers wont be smarter than humans anytime soon, but computers never error... its always a human that does that....

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With today's technology, Humans have more insight than computers and life appears to be more vivid than the computer's. But that may change someday (It will).

What is the Branch of computer science that explores the ability of computers to imitate human reasoning?

artificial intelligence

Why do computers have no intelligence?

Because, Computers are nothing but Machines and Intelligence can be found only in living organisms.

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Computers are useful, but not powerful because they depend on the human intelligence to perform some tasks.

Are computers dumb?

Hardly. They do not have human intelligence but they can be programmed with LOTS of information, enough to fill many libraries if it were all written in books.

Is computer just a machine or even more?

It would be fair to say that computers are important machines. So far, we do not have true artificial intelligence, although there has been progress in that direction. If artificial intelligence of a human (or perhaps greater than human) level is ever created, then we could have computers who deserve to be considered to be individuals, but that remains a speculation as yet.

What has the author C D Stamopoulos written?

C. D. Stamopoulos has written: 'Human brain and computers' -- subject(s): Artificial intelligence

Where can one download a Business Intelligence Application?

The website for Oracle has many business intelligence applications available for download. Simple Google 'Oracle Business Intelligence Application' to find them!

What is artificial intelligence software?

It is software for computers that is meant to mirror human intelligence, though in reality it cannot be fully achieved. A lot of this software is specialised for specific areas of work and would have a high level of success in them.

What gives the computer' system its intelligence?

this is kind of a tough question to answer. In essence, computers are just stupid lumps of hardware until software is added. a computer can turn on, but can never actually do anything until the software tells it what to do. the software is written by a human, in a coding language. coding languages such as c#, c++, .net, etc. are human readable coding languages. after the code is written, software called a compiler puts it all together so to speak, and turns it into a language the computer can handle (binary). so, essentially a computers intelligence is the product of collective programmers intelligence.

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I think it would be easier to answer if your question was "What animals have characteristics of human intelligence?" It is impossible for any animal to have human intelligence.

Is nanotechnology and artificial intelligence are the application of neural networks?

If you are asking about the application of Neural network in Artificial Intelligence and Nanotechnology then let me tell you that it is possible. Infact, a group of researchers from Columbian University are in pursuit of an artificial brain that functions similar to that of a human brain. Neural network is a phenomenon that is present in a human brain and the same is being replicated in case of Artificial Intelligence. Micro processors are used to pass on electrical signals to initiate decision making process, similar to that of a human brain. Some philosophy even suggest the use of same in robotics to improve artificial intelligence and initiate robot decision making.