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Yes. Health insurance premiums are tax deductible to an individual under IRC Section 213(d).

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Q: Is the cost of medical insurance deductible?
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Can insurance co-pay be tax deductible?

If you are referring to a MEDICAL/HOSPITALIZATION insurance co-pay, yes, that is deductible as a medical expense. And on property/casualty insurance, it may be deductible as a casualty loss.

What is the average deductible for medical travel insurance in Europe?

The average deductible for medical travel insurance in Europe depends on specific aspects of the traveler and the trip. Age of the traveler, length of the trip, and medical limits all factor into the deductible of the insurance.

What kind of insurance is tax deductible?

Insurance for one's personal property such as auto or homeowner's insurance is tax deductible. Other tax deductible insurances are medical and dental insurances.

Are long term care insurance premiums tax deductible?

Yes, it is. Long term care insurance premiums are tax deductible. Premium payments are considered to be medical expenses and they are deductible as long as the medical expenses exceed 7.5% of the individual's income.

Does home owners insurance cover someone hitting your mailbox?

Yes, it will cover that minus your deductible,, However you should first check to see what your deductible is. Most mailboxes are pretty cheap and likely far below the cost of your policy deductible. No point in filing an insurance claim if the cost of repairs is below your deductible.

Are glasses tax deductible?

Medical expenses are deductible to the extent that they exceed 7.5% of your adjusted gross income. The cost of prescription eyeglasses is a qualified medical expense.

How can you reduce the cost of your insurance?

Choose a higher deductible and drop comprehensive coverage

What is a situation in which people have to pay a deductible?

When their insurance policy only covers part of a medical expense

WHEN health insurance deductible?

WHEN WHEN when is health insurance deductible paid when? When?

What does 'a medical deductible' mean?

That is insurance terminology. It is a portion of a covered claim that the insurance company will not pay and that you have to pay to the doctor or hospital yourself.

What are the words 'insurance deductible' when translated from English to Spanish?

You say " seguro deducible"; but if it is a medical insurance then you say" Seguro medico deducible"

Is it worthwhile if you travel a lot to have a low deductible insurance?

Yes, if you travel a lot it would be helpful to have a low deductible insurance. You would be out of your network most of the time, and in the case of needed medical treatment, you do not want your deductible to be so high that you cannot afford the treatment.