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The children have been adults for some time. Most likely if the money was going to be paid it would have, so this pursuit of the money at this point is next to worthless. Use your time for other things that are likely to pay off.


It is likely the statute of limitations has passed in any jurisdiction. Courts want lawsuits to be brought forward in a timely manner.

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Q: Is the custodial parent can still collect child support back pay even if the children ages are 36 and 34?
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Can a custodial parent seek child support payments from the non custodial parent's new spouse if non custodial parent is unemployed?

No. She has no legal responsibility to support the children. Only the biological parents have any responsibility for child support.

Can the custodial parent stop the back pay you owe in child support?

It depends on the state you live in. Some states allow the custodial parent to opt out of child support. Other states don't give you that option, and will collect the child support even if the custodial parent refuses to accept it.

Can your ex get your kids just because he does not want to pay child support?

First, it is an Urban Myth that fathers go for custody to avoid paying child support. First, who would support the children while in his custody? Less then 15% of mothers are ordered to pay, and depending on circumstances, the custodial father is often still ordered to pay child support.

What affect might it have if you cancel child support and you are receiving benefits?

If the custodial parent is on any public assistance he or she must attempt to collect financial support from the non custodial parent or they will be disqualified for public aid.

Will the custodial parent get less child support if unemployed?

No. Support is based upon the income of the non custodial parent and in some cases the needs of the minor child/children.

Can the custodial parent stop child support because the father is helping with children?

The situation regarding child support MUST be revisited if the circumstances of the custodial parent change.

Does non custodial parent still pay child support when custodial parent goes on ssi?

Yes. SSI is for the individual and is not intended to support her children, spouse, etc.

Can the custodial parent ask for an increase in child support if she returns to school full time?

Can the custodial parent ask for child support for her children past the age of 18 if the children are full time college students?

In California if 17yr old moves out does custodial parent collect child support?

you should be the one receiving it

Can you collect child support at age 28?

Your custodial parent can collect unpaid support that accrued under an order. Support sometimes continues after the child becomes an adult if the child is disabled.

How do you collect child support if non custodial parent moves out of state?

Child Support Enforcement will an interstate action under the UIFSA.

How do i submit a form for back pay child support if im the child but grew up?

Most states do not allow a child to collect back support as an adult. Although the right to child support belongs to the child, support is payable to the custodial parent to assist in the care and upbringing of that child. If the custodial parent did not receive that support, then she (or he) made contributions that should have come from the other parent, and the right to collect the back support belongs to her.