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The speed of light is constant, regardless of how far it is from its source.

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Q: Is the speed of light faster further away from its source or closer?
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How could you change the size of your shadow?

You can either move closer to the light source or move the light source closer to you. The size of your shadow just depends upon how much of the light you are obscuring so the more you block out, the bigger your shadow.

Is your shadow bigger or smaller when your closer to the sun?

The closer you are to the light the smaller the source of light gets, but at the same time the closer you are to the light the stronger the light. the further you are to the light the weaker the light.

If the cardboard is opaque is my prediction by moving shapes closer and further away from the light source correct?

If you are using an opaque cardboard to predict how moving shapes closer or further away from a light source will affect their shadows, your prediction is likely to be correct. When you move objects closer or farther away from a light source, the size and position of their shadows will change. Here's what you can generally expect: Moving Closer to Light Source: When you move an object closer to the light source, the shadow it casts tends to become larger and less defined. This is because the light rays diverge less as they reach the object, creating a broader and softer shadow. Moving Away from Light Source: When you move an object away from the light source, the shadow it casts tends to become smaller and more defined. The light rays spread out more as they reach the object, creating a sharper shadow. Using an opaque cardboard to experiment with shadows is a great way to observe and understand how light interacts with objects. By observing these changes in shadow size and definition, you can gain insights into the principles of light, shadow, and perspective. This type of hands-on experimentation can be particularly helpful for educational purposes, especially in fields like art, photography, and physics.

What happen to the shadow if an object is closer to the source of light?

When object is closer to source of light ,the shadow formed of the object is shorter and darker.

How do you make a shadow bigger or smaller?

if an object is moved closer to the light source, the shadow gets bigger,if it goes further away,the shadow gets smaller

When an object is moved closer to the light source will the shadow become bigger or smaller?

There are many things that could happen when an object is moved nearer to a light or further away. It could change temperatures.

When are shadows long and short?

closer to light source shadow is bigger when far from the light source shadow is shorter

How you explain the closer the light source to the object the larger the shadow?

By projecting imaginary lines from the light source to the object, you can explain this geometrically. The closer the light source, the wider the angle formed between the lines, and the wider the angle, the longer the line opposite will be.

Does a shadow stay the same if the object is closer to the light source?

No, it gets bigger as it gets closer because not as much light can get around it.

What is silhouette of your friend's head using a projector can you change the size of the shadow?

The closer the light source is to the friend, the bigger the shadow will be. The further the projector is from the wall where you are projecting, the bigger the shadow will be.

What distance is the light brightest dimmest?

The closer a light source is to your eye, the brighter it appears - intensity included. The closer you are to the source, the larger the angle of the cone; your pupil as the base and the source as the point. The larger the angle from the point, the more light entering your eye. Too close to the source and your retinal area becomes the limiting factor.

When you place something close to a light source will it make a big shadow or a small shadow?

The closer an object is to a source of light the larger the shadow it will cast.