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no, yeast is for bread baking or used to make dough rise. yeast infections are like jock itch except in women. easy simple way to get rid of it is an ointment prescribed by a docter or over the counter.

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Q: Is the yeast the same yeast that give women yeast infections?
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Are the symptons for chlamydia and yeast infection the same?

Most women (80-90%) with chlamydia have no symptoms at all. Those who have symptoms may have painful urination, unusual yellow vaginal discharge, bleeding between periods or after sex, and pelvic pain. In contrast, yeast infections -- really, an imbalance or overgrowth of yeast -- can cause a white, cottage cheese-like discharge and vulvar or vaginal itching, redness, and irritation.

Can viral infections cause yeast infections?

Yeast infections usually happen in warm, moist parts of the body, such as mouth, and moist areas of skin. When an infection causes in the vagina, it is known as vulvovaginal candidiasis. Vaginal yeast infections are common in growing girls, and about 75% of all females will have same problems in their day to day life.

Can stress ans lack of sleep cause thrush?

No, stress will not cause a yeast infection.A yeast infection is an overgrowth in yeast, given as we are in the women's health section of this web site I will assume we're talking about vaginal or vulva yeast infections. The female genitals naturally contain yeast which are kept under control by an acidic pH inside the vagina and by 'good' bacteria that produce hydrogen peroxide to kill excessive yeast. Stress will not change your vaginal flora so in turn stress will not cause a yeast infection.

How do u treat yeast infections?

It will burn like fire, but after you bathe take a wash cloth and wet it with vinegar and swab the affected area. Your infection will be MUCH improved immediately and gone soon thereafter. Vinegar is great for getting rid of yeast!

Is jock itch and a yeast infection the same thing?

Yes, The yeast that causes jock itch and athletes foot is exactly the same as the yeast that causes Vaginal yeast infections. Humans typically are infected only with one certain type of yeast. The medications are the same drug, but they are prepared differently so they have different PH depending on what part of the body they are intended for.

Can you give your husband a yeast infection?

No,I dont think it is possible.Certain infections such as yeast only cling to females. It is possible if the male has compromised skin intergity. For example, an abrasion caused by too much friction. The treatment options are the same as with females (i.e., topical antifungal).

Why do men get bladder infections?

Same reason as women - bacteria in the urethra.

Why does golden retrievers ears smell?

Well, if they stink, then there is probably an infection, either yeast or bacterial. If there is brown sticky like stuff in there, then there is definitely an infection. The most common ear infections are yeast infections. The best thing to do is see a vet, let them diagnose the problem, flush out the ears, and get you medication. I recommend this first and foremost, however, you can get a mild ear cleaner and clean the ears yourself. For yeast infections, I swear by the over the counter vaginal yeast infection medications. It is the same type stuff your vet will give you for an ear yeast infection, however, it does not take care of bacteria if it is present. One other thing you need to consider is ear mites.

What does it mean when you have random discharge all the time?

if you have it all the time then you probally have a yeast infection. i had the same problem. it was 24/7 and im only a teen. but what i simply did was go to the doctor and they gave me a pill and the infection was gone the next day. Yeast infections are really common 7 out of 10 girls/women will get it sometime in their life.

Where is a yeast infection located?

A yeast infection can occur anywhere in or on the body.A yeast infection is an overload of candida that grows into a fungal infection.If no other body part is specified; the most common location where it is actually called a yeast infection is the vagina. So when a women says "I have a yeast infection"; it is assumed they mean in the genital area.However; yeast infections do occur in both men and women of any age, including children. A yeast infection can happen in the mouth, or in the throat. It can happen on the skin, in the armpits, on the feet, under the breasts or in folds of fat; and pretty much anywhere.Anywhere a moist, warm fleshy area can develop and be left alone without cleansing it is possible for candida fungus to grow.Yeast infections that occur in other locations (or in children) are often given a variant name even though they are technically the same fungal growth.For example a yeast infection in a child's mouth is typically called thrush mouth; to avoid the stigma of associating a vaginal infection with a child's mouth infection even though they are both technically from the same yeast fungus.A yeast infection in a man's armpit is usually called intertrigo.There are a variety of terms used for the same identical (candida) yeast infection depending on gender, age and body location.

Can men take the same pill that women take for yeast infection?

Yes. There are cremes at the pharmacy.

How do you cure a yeast infection in man?

There are medicine over the counter at the pharmacy. it's the same for men and women.