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It's not a good idea to take medications while pregnant, but you could ask your doctor. Meanwhile, soda crackers and Seven-Up work pretty well.

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Q: Is there any anti sickness medication you can take if you are getting morning sickness?
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What are antimeticsusedfor?

ondensetron generally used intravenously to prevent vomiting. metoclopromide has been used for morning sickness. certain anti histaminics used in motion sickness

Can anti sickness medicines kill flu viruses and cold?

Yes. They kill flu viruses, sickness and cold so they can protecting you from getting sick.

What are anti sickness drugs?

anti sickness drugs start to help you not to be sick any more

What medication can I take for morning sickness?

I had very severe nausea and vomiting while pregnant. Ask your OBGYN for an anti-nausea medication. I'm sorry I don't remember the name of the actual med but I do know it exists and wont hurt the baby.

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Indications for madiphala in Ayurveda: Useful in indigestion, excessive salivation and anorexia. Also helps relieve nausea, vomiting and morning sickness. Appetizer, digestive, carminative, pro-kinetic, anti-nausea and anti-emetic.

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An anti bacterial medication

Ibuprofen is what kind of medication?

non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medication.

Is Azithromicin an anti viral drug or anti bacterial?

Azithromycin is an anti-bacterial medication.

Anti vomit drugs safe in pregnancy?

You shouldn't take nausea medication for morning sickness. you just have to throw up until you stop. It will go away soon. However if you are so sick you get nothing down and get dehydrated you have to see a doctor ASAP. For some women it's so bad they have to be hospitalized for awhile.

Is zofran a painkiller?

No, it's an anti-emetic(anti-nausea) medication

Do anti sickness drugs work?

it depentds on the drug you use

Is there a way to get rid of thrush without getting medication?

No - it is a fungal infection - and must be treated with anti-fungal medication prescribed by a qualified healthcare professional. It can also be passed on to others through unprotected sexual activity.