

Is there such thing as purple snakes?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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13y ago

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Yea baby!

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Q: Is there such thing as purple snakes?
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Is there a living thing other than a bird or bug be blue green or purple?

yes, and the only one I can think of though is snakes.

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No,there are not such thing as purple dogs.

Is there such thing as purple cows?

No. Purple cows do not exist.

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It's purple. Get it straight.

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There is no such thing as a purple dolphin? There are only grey, blue, pink & white. Dolphins are not purple.

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they are mostly poisonous but some need not be.

Which cartoon character has purple snakes as her hair?

Cecelia from monsters inc

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Yes - they are from the same family of snakes.

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Yes there is purple cheese.

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There is no such thing as a purple platypus,

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Yes, there is such a thing as milk snakes.

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no there is no such thing of a purple star