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There is no difference between college and university coursework. They are equivalent. In brief, colleges are divided into academic departments while universities are divided by academic schools. For example, the school of business, or engineering, or allied health. The critical issue is choosing the right school for you; One that meets your personal needs, wants, and desires. You must be comfortable with your school to perform to the best of your ability. Just make sure the college or university you choose has a regional accreditation. With a regional accreditation you can be assured the coursework and degree you complete will be recognized by all other colleges and universities as well as employers. Read the following as to the issues you should be concerned with when choosing an institution of higher learning.

  • accreditation (make sure it is a regional accreditation)
  • location
  • campus environment
  • programs of study (majors)
  • entrance requirements
  • cost
  • financial aid availability
  • student services (to include counseling, career advisement, placement, etc)
  • academic learning center (tutoring should be free)
  • computer labs and access
  • classroom size
  • student to professor ratio
  • student activities
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Q: Is there way to go to college first rather than going to university first to become psychiatric?
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Do not ask if a man or worman has been through college ask if college has beenthrough the man or woman – if he or she is a walking university EH Chapin?

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